8| after

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The detective sits on the chair opposite to a boy, a steel table between them. The room is empty apart from the table and a few chairs.

There's a two-way mirror on the wall behind the older man. The boy knows this. He has seen way too many movies not to. His eyes are fixed on it, wondering who's on the other side.

"I'm detective Solomon," the man begins, handing the boy a soda, a cup of coffee in his own hand. "I'll be asking you some questions today. Is that okay?"

The boy ignores the drink and leans back in his chair, "Sure."

"You play for your school's volleyball team, right?" the detective asks, looking down at his notes. He wears a slick suit and a modern haircut, shorter on the sides and longer on top.

"Yes," the boy says.

"Do you remember how the others reacted to Levi joining the team?"

The boy makes a face. It means the question's stupid, "Well, bad, of course. One thing is having a gay guy on the team. A drag queen's very different."

The detective frowns and writes something down before going on, "Not Finn though. From what I've understood so far, Finn liked Levi. He protected him, correct?"

"Correct," the boy says. "But Finn always liked the underdogs. Levi. Ace. Milo. They're all the same."

The detective's jaw clenches.

"We're talking about a dead boy," he says, like that's supposed to make any difference to the living boy in front of him.

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