author's note

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Hello lovelies!

So that was it! The story is finished, and I just wanted to write a little note to everyone who was kind enough to read it all! I sincerely hope you liked it!

I know I loved writing it, no matter how dark it turned out to be. I have so much love for it. It was the very first book I finished writing, and I'm so proud of it!

Please, please tell me what you thought of it - if you're not a fan of leaving public comments, feel absolutely free to send me a private message. I really want to know your opinions.

You have no idea how much I appreciate everyone who took their time to read my words! Thank you thank you thank you! x

Also, if you have any questions about it that you would like to see answered, just drop me a message, and I might post a little chapter where I answer them all!

All the best,

And thank you!
It means too much x

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