Chapter 14: I Admit It...I'm Jealous

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*Tzuyu's POV*

When Sana unnie said that she was hanging out with Dahyun my heart dropped. Why did I have this sinking feeling? It really hurt and yet I didn't know why.

I remained quiet around Sana unnie and when we arrived at the apartment I headed straight towards my room. I jumped on my bed and scrolled through my phone to get my mind off of this feeling.

I couldn't.

I just can't.

What's wrong with me?

I then knew that I was jealous. Alright Dahyun you won...great... Aish how do I even approach Sana unnie tomorrow? This is so hard... you know what? I'm going to Momo's place.

I peeked my head around outside my door and no one was there. Good. I quietly snuck out of the apartment and went to Momo's place.

I arrived a short time later and knocked on the door. Momo answered it with a yawn.

" *yawn* Tzuyu? What are you doing here at this hour? It's almost 1 am."

"Sorry Momo but you know I come here when I'm upset."

"True. Ok come on in."

She let me in and we both sat on the couch.

"So what are you upset about this time?"

"Momo...I'm jealous of Dahyun."

" what are you jealous of her for? I mean we're all childhood best friends so there were plently of times where you were jealous."

"That's the point. I've never been jealous of her until now. I'm jealous of her because...she's with Sana unnie..."

"So you're jealous of Dahyun hanging out with Sana? Sounds like you like Sana... Do you?"


"Awww my little Tzuyu is all grown up now~
She found someone that she likes~ So cute~"

I glared at Momo.

"Alright alright I was just teasing."

"So what do I do Momo? If I do tell Sana unnie my feelings I feel as though I will lose my friendship with her. If I don't tell her my feelings then it will eat me up for not telling her."

"Wow this is tough... I honestly don't know what to tell you."

Right then and there I couldn't hold it anymore. I cried. I'm usually not one to show my tears but when I do you'll know it's something serious.


I hugged Momo.

"Why does it hurt Momo? It's my first time feeling like this usually how things go?"

"I don't know. It's a different experience for everyone."

I continued to cry as we hugged. I finally stopped but the pain was still there. Then Momo suggested a drink.

" know I've never had a drink before."

"So? First tine for everything right?"

"If something happens I'm blaming you."

"Fair enough. Don't worry you'll be fine."

"If you say so..."

She took out two glasses and poured the drink. I was so nervous. She handed me the glass.

"Alright so basically you just drink it straight up. A real quick gulp each time."

"Momo I still think this is bad..."

"Ok fine but just one? If you don't like it your done. I'll continue to drink and you can hangout here for the night."


I counted to 3 and gulped down the liquid. That actually felt good. The pain my heart was feeling...I couldn't feel it anymore. I took a couple more shots.

We continued for a long time. We were so drunk we passed out in the morning and slept until it was night once again.

I looked up and Momo was still sleeping. Wow she sleeps a long time. Agh this is a killer headache. I tried to get up but the pain made it hard to. Great.

Just then the door opened and both Sana unnie and Dahyun stepped in. Sana unnie was the first to speak.


She immediately rushed over to me and checked me.

"Chewy what did you do?! You got drunk last night?! Aish I'm gonna kill Momo."

I groaned. "Not so loud Sana unnie..."

"Chewy come on let's go home. I will deal with Momo later. You're first."

Oh great I feel like I'm getting scolded by my mom. I winced as she got me up and put my arm arm around her neck. She helped me to Dahyun's car and Dahyun drove us back to the apartment.

We got there a few minutes later and Dahyun helped Sana unnie get me into the apartment. Once we were in Dahyun said goodbye and to call her if we needed anything.

Sana took me to my room and gently placed me on my bed. She sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Chewy why did you get drunk?"

"I...can't tell you..."

She turned around to face me.

"You can't tell me? Why not?"

I wanted to just say my feelings right then and there but I can't afford to lose Sana unnie.

"I can't tell you yet with this killer headache. I'll tell you after this is over."

"Fair enough. Ok just stay here I'll get the medicine."

She left and I was in a whole bunch of emotions.

Do I tell her or not?

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