Chapter 38: Sickness

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*Sana's POV*

It's been a week since we got Gucci. She really lightens up the place. Even Dahyun has gotten less afraid of her.

I was cooking breakfast, like any other normal day, and to add to that, I filled up Gucci's bowl with dog food.

Not too long after I finished cooking, Gucci came into the kitchen and greeted me. She stood up and held onto my leg. I smiled and pat her head.

Whenever Gucci's awake then that means Chewy's awake. I continued to pat Gucci's head and Chewy came out of the hallway.

"Good morning Chewy~ you sleep well?"

"No...I think I caught something."

She sat down and slowly ate her breakfast.

"What's wrong? Do you have a fever? Runny nose? Sore throat?"

"All of those..."

She sneezed and sniffled.

"Awww Chewy-ah~ I'll help you get better~"

"Thanks Sana unnie."

I went into the kitchen and took out a cup. I poured some water and a tea bag. After the tea bag mixed into the water, I added some honey. I mixed it all together and placed it in the microwave. I heated it up for a minute and gave the cup to Chewy.

"Here drink this. Careful it's hot, it might burn your tongue."

She thanked me and carefully took the hot cup into her hands. She blew on the tea several times and took a sip. She sighed in relief.

"Mmm that's good Sana unnie."

"Good to know you like it."

I sat down beside her and ate breakfast. As I was eating, I noticed that she wasn't eating much. I grabbed her spoon that sitting on her plate and scooped up some food. I held the spoon up near her mouth.

"Come on Chewy~ I know you're sick but you can at least eat a bit more. Just a few more bites ok?"

She nodded and she opened her mouth. I put the spoon in her mouth and she scraped the food off. She chewed and I scooped up more food from her plate. I continued to feed her until she was done.

"Hey look you finished your plate!~"

She let out a weak laugh.

"Sana unnie, stop teasing me~"

I used my aegyo voice and said, "What?~ I can't tease you? But it's fun~"

She coughed and I stopped.

"Sorry Chewy!"

I rubbed her back and she looked at me.

"It's ok. I'll survive."

She sipped more of her tea and I grabbed her plate along with mine to wash the dishes.

I poured some dish soap on the plates and scrubbed it with a sponge. I didn't notice Chewy's presence until she wrapped her arms around me and placed her head on my shoulder.

"Chewy-ah you're really burning up."

"I know Sana unnie."

I quickly finished washing the dishes and wiped my hands off. I turned around and put my forehead on Chewy's.

"Sana unnie...what are you doing?"

"Oh sorry, it's a Japanese thing that we do when we check how high your fever is."

Her temperature must have been over a 100 degrees. It's like I'm almost burning myself just by touching her.

"Come on, let's go watch a couple of movies and afterwards I'll make you some soup to help."

She nodded her head and followed me to the couch. She sat down and I grabbed some blankets. I sat down next to her and she reached for the tv remote.

"So what do you want to watch Sana unnie?"

"I don't know, whatever you want."

Chewy scrolled through several channels until she finally found a movie she was satisfied with.

I scooted closer towards her and she wrapped her arms around my waist. I nuzzled my face next to her chest.

We watched several movies in that position, cuddling each other.

Time had passed faster than we intended to and it was already dark.

"Sana unnie?"

I hummed. "Yeah Chewy?"

"Can you make the soup? I'm going to go wait in my bed."

"Ok, I'll bring you some medicine along with it."

She got up and headed towards her shared room. I went into the kitchen and prepared some chicken noodle soup.

I let it cool for a bit so I could hold it and bring it to Chewy's shared room. After a few minutes I brought it to Chewy.

She was bundled up in her covers and her face was covered in sweat. I placed the bowl on her dresser and looked at her.

"I'll go get some things I'll be right back."

I left her room and got a towel, the medicine, and a little stand. I wet the towel a bit with cold water and squeezed it. Then I headed back into Chewy's room.

I set down the stand and helped Chewy to sit up. I placed the bowl on the stand and fed some soup to her. I blew on the spoon and tasted it a bit so that I could check if the temperature was right.

After a few moments I asked Chewy if she wanted to take the medicine. She agreed and I gave it to her. She gulped down the liquid and gave me back the cup. I put the cup down on her dresser and wiped the towel on her face.

"You ok?"

"I feel better thanks to you Sana unnie."

I gave a small smile and said, "Come on, finish your soup and I'll let you sleep."

I continued to fed her until she was done. I grabbed the stand, the medicine cup, and the bowl. I walked out of the room and put everything away. Then I came back to see Chewy laying down with her eyes closed.

I carefully walked up to her and pulled the blanket up. I kissed her forehead.

"Good night Chewy. Sweet dreams and I hope you feel better."

I got up and turned around to walk to my shared room, but I stopped when I felt a hand grab my wrist. I looked at Chewy and she looked up at me.

"Wait Sana unnie...can you stay with me?"

"Sure Chewy-ah."

I climbed into her bed and cuddled closer to her. She placed her chin over my head and soon I felt her calm breathing.

I looked up at her. She was asleep now and I kissed her lips.

"Saranghae Chewy."

I was surprised that she kissed me back and said saranghae back.

"I thought you were asleep?"

"I was, but I can't resist saying that I love you back."

I let out a small giggle and nuzzled my face next to neck.

"Let's go back to sleep, it's already late."

"Yeah, good night Sana unnie."

"Good night Chewy."

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