Chapter 22: The Surprise

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*Tzuyu's POV*

Sana unnie had just said that we were officially dating to Dahyun. Can you believe it?! It makes my heart jump from just hearing that.

I headed over to Dahyun and Sana unnie. I kissed Sana unnie's cheek and sat next to her. She blushed and Dahyun was squealing. I smiled.

"So I heard the mention of us."

"Yeah you're right. Sana just said you two were a thing now. Now what should I get in return for making this happen?"

I sighed.

"Alright Eagle...thanks for giving me uh...a push..."

Dahyun pouted.

"Come on that's it?"

I sighed again and got up to hug her.

"Dahyun...if it wasn't for you I would have still been stuck figuring out my thanks...and...I'll do the 'thing' with you."

Sana unnie looked over at me.

"Thing? What thing?"

Dahyun smirked and got a folded piece of paper out of her pocket. She handed it to Sana unnie. She looked over the paper and widened her eyes.

"'re auditioning for getting into the Grand Festival?!"

Dahyun nodded and I rubbed my hand across my neck.

"Yeah...I didn't want to do it since I'm really shy around a big crowd..."

Just then Jihyo walked in.

"Festival! What festival?!"

We all covered our ears.

"Jihyo...not so loud..."

"Sorry Tzuyu but you know I have a loud voice. So anyway what's this Grand Featival that I hear about?"

Dahyun explained the whole situation and Jihyo nodded with excitement.

"Alright guys I've decided we're going to audition for the festival!"

We all widened our eyes.


"Yes is there anything wrong with that?"

"Well I mean no but it's just...I never took you for the type to perform in a big crowd..."

Jihyo laughed.

"Then you truly don't know me well enough Tzuyu."

We all just decided to go with it since Jihyo acted like a mother to all of us so we didn't have a choice...she can be scary sometimes...

The date for the tryouts was on Friday our day off so we were fine. Since Jihyo is the boss she took a couple of days off for all of us.

We continued working and soon the day was over. Sana unnie and I walked home with our hands intertwined together.

As we were walking, Sana unnie tapped my shoulder. I looked over and when I turned my head, I was met with Sana unnie's lips on mine. That shocked me but I gave into it. We let go a few moments later.

"Sana unnie what was that for? Not that I didn't like it, it's just usually I do that to you."

"Mmm well I wanted to try something different. So do you like it?"

I answered her with a kiss.

"Did that answer your question?"


She nodded her head and happily walked ahead. She was guiding me as we still had our hands intertwined with each other's. I like Sana unnie's playful side. It's cute to watch her.

We soon arrived back at our apartment and we plopped down on the couch.

"Chewy do you think we could stay here tonight?"

I looked over at her.

"Sure I don't see why not. I'll go grab the blanket and you can turn on the tv."

I got up and looked for the blanket. Sana unnie grabbed the remote and resumed the drama we were watching earlier.

I finally found the blanket a few minutes later and went back to the couch. I spread the blanket and Sana unnie scooted closer to me. She snuggled her body next to me and I wrapped my arm around her waist.

A few episodes had passed by and I glanced over at Sana unnie. She was asleep on my shoulder. I smiled and turned off the tv. I carefully laid down and placed Sana unnie next to me. I turned to look at her.

She was still asleep with a peaceful expression clear on her face. I pushed a few strands of hair that was on her face and kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight Sana unnie."

I snuggled closer to Sana unnie and wrapped my arms around her waist. Soon I fell asleep with a little smile on my face.

A/N: Hey guys it's the author here! Just here to say that thanks to KateDelaRosa282 . She has given me the answer from the last chapter. I will now upload on Fridays...well in my time since I live in Florida 🌴☀️. So again thanks for the answer. Love you guys and SaTzu especially in the pic I put. Do you see what I did? No? Ok I'm gonna go now. Until next time! Later!

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