Chapter 16: Sana's Answer

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*Tzuyu's POV*

"So...what am I to you?"

Did I really just say that?! Agh I'm going to die of fear...I don't want to hear the answer...

Sana unnie looked at me and then turned away.

"Honestly...I don't know what to think of a friend or...something more..."

Wait did she just say something more?! My heart was jumping from excitement. I can't believe she said that! Ok calm down...

"So...something more?"

She blushed at the mention of being more than friends. That was really cute.


"Sana you want to discover those feelings with me?"

She looked at me and blushed even harder.

"We can take it slow. I promise I won't do anything that you won't like without your consent."

She nodded her head and released a breath.

"Thanks Chewy. I still don't know what this is but as long as I'm with you then it's ok."

She held my hand and we sat like that for a few moments enjoying this new found feeling.

"So Chewy~ what did Dahyun ask you to do?"

"Oh right. Um ok...I know this is probably too sudden but Dahyun asked me to take you on a date."

She widened her eyes.

"Already?! Wow ok...but since we're still discovering whatever we're feeling then a date would be perfect."

"Awesome! Ok uh Dahyun is supposed to text me the details since she is planning the whole thing."

"She's really going over the top here..."

"Yeah no kidding."

Then my phone vibrated.

"So I'm guessing that's her?"

I checked the screen.


I unlocked my phone and looked at the text. There was a long list of details but I got the gist of it. First we were headed to a movie at 5, then afterwards a dinner at 7:30, and to end the night we would go to the beach to look at the moonlight. Wow that's a lot to process...

"So can you tell me what we're doing?"

I looked at her with a smirk on my face.

"But that would ruin the surprise right?"

"Chewy~ please? You know I don't like it when I don't know about something."

"Sorry Sana unnie but I'm still not telling you. You will just have to wait until later."

Sana unnie pouted and looked at me.

"Alright fine...but just this once since we're taking this slow."

She got up and left to do some things before the date.

I still can't believe this is actually still happening...

A/N: Ah! Hey guys the author here! I just wanted to say thank you for 1k reads! I still am freaking out over this...and to think this is my first fanfic... To celebrate I added one of my favorite songs and the video is really well edited. Anyway I love you guys and again thanks for reading! Until next time! Later!

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