You're Not Special

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After dinner, Sunny, Adam, and I carefully climbed up the prickly vines.

"FUCK!" I exclaimed when I cut my hand on a thorn. Sunny and Adam shushed me quickly and we continued climbing up to the window in the tower, which opened up to the lounge. We reached the window when I heard voices coming from inside. I raised a hand to signal a stop and listened.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean they are growing in size and strength."

"But I thought we wiped out two thirds of their population."

"Well they've seemed to multiply."

"So what does that mean?"

"It means that we might not stand a chance."

"Do you smell that?"


I looked down at my hand which was bleeding.


"I hear three hearts beating outside the window. That being said, they just sped up."

It was true, my heart was hammering out of my chest. The window was pushed open. There were five Lords looking at the three of us. Only Niall seemed jubilant, as usual. Lord Zayn reached down, grabbed my shirt and pulled me into the room. Liam got Sunny and Adam.

"What are you doing here?" Lord Louis hissed.

"W-we were g-going to-" Sunny started started.

"I wasn't asking you." He spat. He then glowered at me.

"We were going to meet here to talk." I calmly reported, though on the inside I was quaking.

"You do know the staff stairs are off limits." Lord Harry stated, annoyed.

"Well we didn't use the stairs to get here did we?" I said looking at him. Lord Harry's lips twitched and it was pretty obvious he was stifling a smile. Lord Niall was chuckling and Lord Liam seemed amused. But Lords Zayn and Louis seemed pissed.

"Oh come on guys," Lord Liam said looking at them, "Lighten up. You were young once. Louis, remember when you weren't supposed to ride that horse and you rode it every night in protest? Zayn, you wern't allowed to have any sweets so you downed the whole sugar jar?" Lords Liam, Harry, and Niall started laughing at the memories. Even Lord Zayn let out a little chuckle. But Lord Louis just looked even more angry with his clenched fists and narrowed eyes.

"What are we going to do with them?" Lord Louis said.

"Let them go? What else is there to do?" Lord Liam replied.

"Kill them." Lord Louis stated, bringing out his fangs and striding to me. I gasped and my heart started hammering even harder than it was before. I looked to Lord Harry who was staring at me.

"No." Said Lords Niall and Harry.

"They've heard too much." Hissed Lord Louis, whipping around to face them.

"Well then just rip out their tongues or something." Said Lord Zayn, obviously not wanting us dead, just quiet.

"But-" Started Lord Louis but Lord Harry cut him off.

"We will not be ripping anyone's tongues out. Those are some of my best initiates, I need them on the field." 

My eyes widened. Lord Harry had never downright praised me. Lord Louis seemed royally pissed but Lord Zayn seemed pretty neutral about the whole thing

"Aw come on Louis, stop being such a cold blooded killer." Lord Niall said poking his cheek. Lord Louis closed his eyes and sighed.

"Fine. But if they breath a word, I'm starting with her." Lord Louis said pointing at me. I bit my bottom lip. Lord Harry made a noise, I almost couldn't here it but with the Lord's vampire hearing they obviously could. It almost sounded a growl. Everyone in the room stiffened. Lord Louis returned the noise. Lord Harry outright snarled and unsheathed his fangs. Lord Louis looked like he was going to return the action right before Lord Liam stepped in.

"Calm down." He ordered. Both Lords looked at him and repressed their destructive urges.

"I will escort the dumb asses." Lord Harry said grabbing my arm, completely ignoring Sunny and Adam. Once he dragged me down the stairs, I mouthed at Sunny and Adam to go. They did, reluctantly.

"What was that about?" He hissed.

"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to come up with something witty.

"You have just put your life in danger." He said.

"Lord Liam calmed him didn't he?"

"If I believed that Louis won't have a go at you then I'm an even bigger fool than you."

I glared and put my hands on my hips.

"When you think about it, I did nothing wrong. I promise I won't tell anyone what I heard, but for what it's worth, I don't even know what I heard."

"Do you really think that matters?" He spat.

"WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE" I yelled. He hesitated for a moment.

"L-like I said. You're a good soldier." He stammered.

"Yeah well, I'm sure you've seen plenty of 'good soldiers' die. I'm sure you killed plenty of good soldiers. So what makes me so different?" I ranted, glowering at him. Lord Harry looked almost scared. Actually, he looked terrified. His tough exterior softened and I saw the fearful little boy inside. I softened my expression and put a hand on his arm. He crumbled even more with my touch. I looked into his eyes and saw nothing but unmatched anguish. How could so much pain be in one person?

How do I help you?

I wanted to hug him, to keep him close but pride wouldn't allow me to. Lord Harry looked to the ground and raised his walls again. His expression hardened and he looked infuriated, though with himself or me, I couldn't tell.

"You aren't special. You are nothing. I don't care and I don't need you. In fact, I'll go tell Louis to give you his best shot. I won't stop him." He said. I gasped and removed my hand from his arm. My heart threatened to shatter.

No. Stop it. Don't feel. He doesn't care, why should you?

My breathing speed up, my chest felt constricted, and my stomach dropped to my feet. I tried to find any redeeming glimmer in his face but there was nothing but a cold, heartless expression. I nodded and bolted off. If this is what it was like to care about someone, I want nothing to do with it.

Never again. I will never feel again.

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