Just Like He Wanted

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He let go of me quickly and took my wrist, gently this time.

"THEY'RE COMING, VAMPIRES SECURE THE MAIN GATE! SOLDIERS, I WANT EIGHT OF YOU STATIONED AT EVERY BIG WINDOW! I NEED TWENTY SOLDIERS TO HOLD THE BACK DOOR AND THE REST OF YOU SHOULD FIND A WINDOW TO GUARD! GRADUATES WILL MEET ME IN THE GREAT HALL! NOW LET'S MOVE IT!" He yelled. This is when chaos erupted. Vampires speeding everywhere and solders running to their posts. Harry pulled me into the great hall, The rest of the Lords stood there looking very solemn. Harry released me and stood in front of us all.

"Tonight the creatures are attacking us. No matter what their numbers, we will win. You have all been the most..." He glanced at me, "Interesting group I've had. And I'm honored to be fighting by your side. Go to the armory and get ready for your very first battle soldiers." I smiled at the word 'soldiers' It gave me a seance of pride to know I had made it. I was going to survive this, I am a soldier. The graduates, or should I say, soldiers rushed to the armory, but Harry told me to stay.

"Go get your armor and then find one of us." He said.

"I'll be fine." I murmured.

"Yeah, forgive me if I don't believe you." He muttered.

"Harry," I said cupping his face, "You aren't going to lose me. I'll be alright!" 

"Find one of us." He ordered. 

"Fine, I'll see you later" I said. I turned to walk away when he grabbed my wrist, spun me and kissed me passionately. After a moment he pulled away,

"In case there isn't a later." He mumbled. I gave him a reassuring smile and ran off to get my armor.

"UGH." I screamed as I plunged my sword into the creature's side. I pushed my hair out of my face and looked over to see Sunny doing the same. Adam was no where in sight. Suddenly I was tackled to the ground. I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder and I spun around to see a creature bearing down on me. I Punched him in the face and he yelped and climbed off of me. I stood up and faced him. He lunged and I ducked and thrusted my sword up into it's belly. It whimpered and went limp. I disposed of his body and checked on Sunny again. She was fighting two creatures at once. I charged and rammed into one that was I the process of jumping at her. He fell to the ground and before he could recover, I plunged my sword into his heart. Sunny had a dead creature at her feet.

"Thanks." She said, out of breath. 

"No problem." I said looking at my soldier, the skin was torn and it was bleeding, but it wasn't too bad. If I hadn't been wearing the chain armor, it would've been a lot worse. I looked up to see Niall punching a creature's ribs in, causing it to couch up blood and fall to the ground dead, ultimately saving the life of Melanie. Niall nodded to her and ran up to Sunny and I.

"Are you okay?" He asked, looking at my shoulder.

"I'm f-SUNNY DUCK!" I thrusted my sword into the face of a creature that had lunged at her. She came back up, her eyes as wide as the moon.

"T-thanks again." She gasped. I chuckled a bit.

"Where's Harry?" I asked Niall.

"He's by the main gate, Liam told me, to tell Harry that the left wing's defences are almost down. Also, Liam did a status report, Harry probably doesn't want me to tell you but we're outnumbered at least fifteen to one." He said.

"WHAT?" I screamed. "WHY DIDN'T HE TELL ME?"

"He doesn't want you to worry!"

"I'M FIGHTING THIS BATTLE TOO, THE FACT THAT WE ARE THAT OUTNUMBERED IS SOMETHING I SHOULD KNOW!" I screamed before stomping off, killing three creatures in the process. I rushed to the main gate were Harry was.

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