She Never Opened The Door

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Oh shit, Jake

 "Harry take me there." I said, slowly shifting my gaze to him.

"I don't know if-"

"Do it." I interrupted through gritted teeth. He sighed and took me in his arms. We sped out of the great hall, through the forest, and into town. The streets were filled with survivors, a few had minor injuries but nothing too bad. I breathed in relief. All the people here looked alright. I led Harry to where Jake lived and knocked on the door. Jake's mom opened it very slowly. When she saw me she scowled and slammed the door shut. I pounded on the door but she didn't answer. Harry put a hand on my shoulder.

"Let me try?" He asked. I nodded and he guided me away from the door. He turned to it and kicked it off it's hinges. I let a small laugh and barged in. Jake's mother rushed in, looking beside herself with anger.

"Where is Jake?" I demanded. She just put her hands on her hips and stared at me. I then noticed her arms and clothes were covered in blood, but it wasn't her's.

"Answer her." Harry growled. Fear flashed through her face as she realized who he was. She bowed and muttered, 

"His room."

I bolted to his room. Harry didn't follow, I silently thanked him as I walked in. Jake lay on the bed bleeding profusely. Long gashes in his stomach and arms.

"Jake!" I exclaimed. Rushing up to him.

"Hey Soph, I though I'd never see you again." He rasped.

"You could say I have friends in high places. HARRY GET IN HERE!" I screamed. Harry appeared in the doorway looking very concerned.

"Heal him." I said motioning to Jake. Harry rushed forward and checked his wounds. His face fell at the severity.

"I can't." I said.

"Y-yes you can. You have vampire blood now use it...please?" I begged.

"Vampire blood doesn't work miracles." He said lowly.

"What do you mean?" I squeaked, silently begging them not to say it.

"It means I'm dying." Jake said calmly.

"No. No you can't die! I won't let you!" I squeaked, tears starting to fill my eyes. I tried to push them away and swallow the lump in my throat but it didn't work.

"Soph listen there are things we need to tell you." Jake said, moving his hand to mine.

"What?" I said, looking from him to Harry. His eyebrows furrowed.

"Are you sure?" Harry asked.

"She deserves to know."

Harry nodded.

"I'm your brother, Sophie. It wasn't coincidence that you survived the night of the massacre. You were injured and I was trying to get you to safety when Lord Harry came around-" Jake abruptly stopped due to heavy coughing.

"I wanted him to leave you, but Jake here was so set on saving you that I didn't have the heart to tear him away from you. So I saved you both. I used my blood to heal you. A few days after the massacre, I came into town to check on you. Jake told me how you were suffering nightmares and how you almost never left the house. So I made you forget. I made you forget the massacre, your parents, even me. But as I see, some memories stick better than others." He said.

"S-so it was you who carried me away? You're the one with the green eyes?" I asked.

"Well do you know anyone else with eyes like mine?" I let out a small laugh before turning to Jake. He was extremely pale. and he looked very tired. I took his hand in mine and squeezed. His hand responded with little movement.

"Hey Jake, remember when we went to to creek?" I said, If he was going to die, he'd die thinking of good times. He smiled a bit but he was too weak to say anything.

"And-and we sunk back in the house, there was a trail of mud leading to your closet?" I laughed sadly.

"She never opened the door." He whispered.

"She never did." I whispered back. Jake gave me one last smile, before the light left his eyes and his hand loosened. There was no holding back these tears. All attempts were futile. I think Harry put his arms around me but I wasn't paying much attention. I tightened my grip on Jake's hand but it was unresponsive. Hot tears fell down my face. I hated crying. It's pointless but never the less, pain shaken sobs left my lips. All I could imagine is me surrounded by darkness. Alone and afraid. The air cold and suffocating.

Harry's P.O.V.

She was breaking. She squeezed Jake's hand in a futile attempt for a response. Of course none came and her cries became more urgent, I could see her falling apart. All sense of light had left her and my arms had no effect.

"Come." I said softly. She looked up at me and gave a minuscule nod.

Piper's P.O.V.

He helped me off the floor. Outside his bedroom door was his mother. I nodded to tell her he was gone. Her eyes were filled with tears. I was a bit surprised that he could invoke this much emotion from her. She never seemed to care before.

All Jake and I had were each other. 

This thought caused tears to fill my eyes again. Harry scooped me up and carried me bridle style. After a few steps down the street, he spoke,

"I compelled people you know."

"What?" I sniffled, looking up at him.

"I compelled people everyday to give a particular little girl change because she really wanted a ukulele" 

I smiled a bit.

"I compelled her too," Harry said, jerking his head towards Jake's house, "I compelled her never to go into his closet."

"Why?" I asked.

"I didn't want the same little girl to get hurt." He said looking down at me, a soft smile playing at his lips. I smiled back slightly but it vanished.

"Too late."

"And now I'm going to plan the most beautiful funeral."

"Could we keep it small, Only a few people? I don't need people I barely know telling me they're sorry for my loss when they really aren't."

"Of course." He murmured. I sighed and let my head rest against his chest, he tilted his head down and kissed my for head softly.

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