Lord Niall

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We all thought we'd be able to sleep in, but boy were we wrong. We were awoken by a soldier who informed us that we'd be helping with the final day of cleaning and cooking. We all groaned and reluctantly left our warm soft beds. I was in charge of prepping the Lord's rooms, which were up the staff stairs. I was only permitted up them if I was prepping or cleaning the rooms. This included scrubbing the floors till they sparkled, polishing the furniture till I could see my reflection, making the beds perfectly which made my arms ache, and cleaning their bathrooms till they shown. After doing one room I was absolutely exhausted. My arms, fingers and back ached and I just wanted to lay down and sleep for a thousand years. Then, to my dismay, I realized that I had to do three other rooms in one day. Luckily Sunny and Adam heard about the task I had been stuck with and finished their chores quickly to help me with the three remaining rooms. I had a feeling that Lord Harry put me in charge of this as punishment for disrespecting him. But if that was the case, then why was he kind to Adam and I when he caught us with the pastries? I shook my head on confusion and concentrated on scrubbing the hardwood floor. Sunny, Adam and I had become fast friends. One time, we were exploring the castle after everyone had gone to bed and we decided to advance up the staff stairs. The top of the stairs led to a hallway which had a few doors which led up a staircase to another hallway were the Lord's rooms were located and other doors which led to Uriah and John's rooms. If you continued down the hallway you'd come across a spiraling staircase which then led up to a lounge which was almost never used. We couldn't get into it easily if we went up the staff staircase but if you walk outside the castle and around, there was a group of vines and foliage which you could climb. It was a long way up though, about sixty feet but the lounge was very secluded and we often liked to meet there.

Today was the day the Lords arrived and we had been instructed to stand in front of the castle until they arrived. We stood for a painful hour, which resulted in an aching back and feet, before Lord Harry walked out. We then waited about thirty seconds when a big black limousine pulled into the driveway. The driver stepped out and opened the door. The Lords were all muscular and very handsome but none of them compared to Lord Harry's beauty. The first to step out was a happy looking blond, then a serious looking man with short brown hair, then a mysterious looking man with black hair, and finally a smug looking man with messy hair. They all looked very solemn and, almost angry, before huge smiles broke their faces and they all enveloped into a huge hug, laughing and patting each other on the back. I smiled a bit at their joy. After their short reunion, Lord Harry led them over to us.

"Initiates, This is Lord Niall," Lord Harry motioned to the man with blonde hair, "Lord Zayn," He motioned to the man with black hair, "Lord Liam," He motioned to the man with short hair, "and Lord Louis." Lord Harry motioned to the man with messy hair. Lord Niall smiled at us all, he seemed a lot like Uriah, while the rest of them stood very serious.

"Piper will escort you to your rooms. After dinner we shall meet in the discussed location." Lord Harry said. The four of them nodded.

"If you'll follow me my Lords." I said, with a touch of sarcastic politeness. No one picked up on it except for Lord Harry who shot me a look which I returned. I walked up to the door but it was too heavy for me to open but Lord Niall gladly opened it for me. After thanking him, I led the Lords to the rooms Sunny, Adam, and I had slaved over. Lord Niall was last to be led to his room.

"Here is your room your Highness. Is there anything I can get you?" I asked, making sure to keep my gaze on the floor.

"Yes, could you please get me something to eat? I'm famished." He asked.

"Of course! Erm...Do you want blood? I could let you feed off me..." I said cautiously, holding out my wrist. I hated the thought of him feeding off of me but he was a Lord and it was my job to fulfill his wishes, or at least it was according to Lord Harry.

"Oh no! That won't be necessary! We have blood bags for that. No, I was thinking along the lines of a donut or something. But be careful, if someone catches you then tell them it's for me but I fear they'll tell Lord Harry and he was probably hoping I'd be starving for the feast and he gets a bit...grumpy...when things don't go according to his plan." He warned.

"Yes but I fear 'grumpy' is a bit of an understatement," I joked. Lord Niall laughed with me, "I'll be careful." 

I managed to get into the kitchens and out without being caught. I grabbed the Lord Niall two donuts and a blueberry muffin. John caught me in the hallway and I had to hide the pastries behind my back, it was a close call but I got out of it. I timidly knocked on Lord Niall's door. He opened it with a grin when he saw all that I had brought him.

"Come in!" He enthused. I stifled a smile and kept my gaze locked on the ground as I walked over the threshold. I stretched out my hand and gave him the food which he accepted. I did all of this while keeping my eyes locked on a plank of wood in the flooring.

"...You know you can look at me right?" He said quietly, he almost sounded offended. I slowly looked up into his eyes. They were a beautiful light blue. He smiled cheerfully, a look which I returned.

"Sorry, it's just Lord Harry told me my heart would be ripped out if I looked at you." I remarked.

"Eh he tends to exaggerate. But be careful around Louis and Zayn, they aren't unreasonable or anything but they aren't as friendly as Liam or me." Lord Niall said around all the food stuffed in his face. I giggled at the sight of him. He was pretty adorable.

"So what has Harry have you guys doing?" He asked while taking a huge bite of muffin.

"Well we climbed a tree to get a cloth, we practiced hand to hand fighting, which I sucked at, then we worked with bows. He had us working with weapons last."

"What weapon did you like?" He asked. I hesitated, a bit surprised that a Lord would want to know about my preferences.

"I took a liking to a great sword." 

"Did it have a gold hilt with a Phoenix?"

"Y-yes." I stammered. Lord Niall grinned.

"That was Harry's favorite sword when he was an initiate. I think he still quite likes it." He said. I was quite surprised. I took a note to ask Lord Harry about it later. After bidding Lord Niall a farewell, I looked for Sunny and Adam. Once they were found we agreed to meet in the lounge off of the staff stairs after dinner

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