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"I made you soup," Brad offers, receiving an appreciative nod and smile from his boyfriend who was sitting and scrolling through his phone. Brad sighed, and sat across from him, setting the bowl in front of the blond. "I talked to the doctor and—"

Tristan looked up from the screen. "I don't care what the doctor said!" Tristan whisper shouted, trying not to wake up the brunettes parents that were sleeping in the other room.

Brad takes a deep breath. "My parents think you should go to a therapist, so that you can express—"

"Stop trying to help me Brad! I'm fine," Tristan insists, and Brad unwillingly nodded.

When Tristan put his phone down on the table, to begin eating his midnight snack, Brad laces his fingers with his boyfriends. "I love you," he whispered just loud enough for Tristan to hear.

"I love you too."


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