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"Mmh," Brad hums along to the music playing loudly by Tristan's CD player. The blond smirks, before changing it to the brunettes favourite song. "Tristan you're not making me sing, I'm not gonna do it." Brad laughs, and Tristan rolls his eyes playfully.

Tristan dances around to the song, making Brad kind of jealous before he stands himself up and dances sillily with him, "Please sing, Brad. I like your voice," Tristan begs.

Brad sighs. "Fine,"

Brad sings perfectly to the lyrics, his voice slightly raspy from the sore throat he had a few days previous, but Tristan loved it nonetheless. and watched in amazement as his boyfriend nails every note. "That was amazing," Tristan compliments as the song comes to the end.

Brad blushes. "Thank you you, thank you," Brad bows which makes him and Tristan laugh.

"I'm so lucky," Tristan chuckles, before pulling Brads' small body down onto his lap playfully. "I got so lucky getting to date you."

"The feeling is mutual." Brad winks before pecking Tristan's pink lips quickly. Brad thinks for a moment, before widening his eyes in shock. "Tris your nose is bleeding!" Brad squeals, jumping off of him and running to the dining room where the tissue box is located.

Tristan covers his nose, trying not to get any blood on the furniture before Brad comes back with a fresh box of tissues. "Here, quick!" Brad instructs, throwing the box carefully over at the blond.

Tristan quickly shoves a few tissues up his nose, and cleans the blood off his hands. "Ugh, that's so gross," Tristan mutters, and Brad sighs; silently praying that the bleeding stops so Brad can kiss him again.

"It's fine, everyone bleeds once in a while." Brad assures him, which makes Tristan feel a bit less embarrassed. "If you got any on me though I'd definitely break up with you," Brad jokes and the two of the laugh despite the strange circumstances.

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