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"Mmh, stop it, Tris!" Brad laughs as Tristan kisses his lips quickly over and over again. Brad tries to push him off of him, as he had just woken up and wasn't expecting to have a long skinny body towering over him. Tristan kisses his nose, making Brad giggle quietly.

"But I love you!" Tris slurs, kissing Brad on the lips again.

"I love you too but we need to get ready!" Brad insists, laughing still as Tristan continues kissing him everywhere on his face. "Baby, please?"

The pet name immediately makes Tristan jump off, he liked getting called baby. Especially by Brad, it made him feel warm. "I picked your outfit," Tristan announces making Brad laugh.

"thank you, cutie," Brad winks, grabbing the clothes that Tristan had neatly folded up for him and put at the end of his bed. Brad looks at them before smiling, "these are the clothes I wore when I first met you."

"So you do remember!" Tristan laughs, and Brad nods smiling.

"Of course I do, it was the best day of my life," Brad shrugs, as he takes his shirt off and Tristan blushes slightly. He still felt all nervous whenever Bradley would get undressed in front of him, the brunette found it cute. "but why am I wearing these today? It's not anything special—" Brad stops mid-sentence and Tristan smirks. "It's our one year anniversary since the first day we met!"

Tristan nods excitedly, "I know it's not as important as our proper anniversary to when we officially started dating, but this day is still important to me," Tristan explains.

Brad finishes, getting dressed, and walks back over to the blond and sits next to him. "It's important to me as well," Brad confirms before pecking the blond on the lips.

"Good," Tristan mumbles, making Brad laugh.

Brad wraps his arms around Tristan, and then the brunette snuggles his head into his neck. "Mmh, love you," Brad hums contently.


"I said I love you," Brad says proudly.

"I love you too."

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