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"Awe," Brad smiles to himself before his boyfriend looks at what he's doing across the park. "What's your name?" the brunette chuckles, as the small baby playing with his finger in her small hand.

"She's emily, I think she likes you." The mother giggles, as Brad looks at the small humans face and back up at the mother. "Is that your boyfriend?" the woman points to the panicking boy who was a couple meters behind them.

Brad looks where she was pointing, and laughs. "Yeah, there's probably a bug on him or something," Brad explains, and the mother nods. "How old is she?" he asks, standing up properly from his crouching position.

"My husband and I had her about a six months ago," the mother shrugs before grabbing a plastic bottle filled with milk in it and presses it to the babies lip carefully.

"Shouldn't you still be breastfeeding?"

"I usually do, but I tend to get a lot of awful comments in public when I do it so I just stick to the bottle," she explains and Brad sadly nods.

"That's awful, just so you know I think it's fine. I mean it is natural and healthy for the baby." Brad assures her which makes her smile and thank him quietly.

Without another word said, Tristan runs up to the three; slightly out of breath. "Brad you should've come helped me! There was this huge spider on my leg and—" Tristan stops mid-sentence and gasps, "—oh my gosh who's is this baby?" he squeals before getting into the position Brad was in moments before.

"Me. Her name is Emily," the mother answers.

After a few minutes of Brad and Tristan gushing over the child, they exit the park and start talking. "I really hope we stay together long enough for kids."

"Why would we break up?" Tristan questions, Brad shrugs in response.

Tristan quickly grabs Brad's hands, and tightly holds onto it. "I love you."

"I love you too Tris." He kisses him.

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