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Brad flutters his eyes open, to reveal his head rested gently on the blond's shoulder who was currently reading a book. "You're awake!" Tristan smiles, before kissing Brad's forehead and smiling.

Brad looks at the book title, before raising an eyebrow. "Since when did you read books about relationship help?" he questioned, Tristan went slightly red.

"I needed advice, " Tristan admits, and Brad furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

"On what?" Brad wiggles his eyebrows curiously, making Tristan laugh a little. Brad thinks about all the possibilities, he hoped it was about one particular thought. It was.

"Um, I didn't know how to tell you that i— uh.." Tristan trails off, looking everywhere else except Brad's face. "that I love you," the words escape his mouth, and he doesn't regret saying it for a second.

Brad goes completely red. "Y—you do?" Brad replies, and Tristan slowly nods. "well then I love you too. A lot."

tristan sighs in relief, and without another second wasted Brad presses his lips firmly against the blondes. " I love you," Brad repeats, making Tristan have the biggest smile on his face.

"I'm so glad."

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