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The dark skies resembled Natalie's mood perfectly. Not only had she just broken up with her boyfriend, George but had also found out that her best friend had come out to her parents and had been kicked out. It angered her. Why couldn't her parents accept for who she was? They loved her to bits but the moment she announced "I'm lesbian", they told her to leave and never came back.

Felicity kept calling her and crying. She said she was at Wal-Mart, so she went and picked her up and dropped her at her house. Felicity would have to fix things with her parents, but at the moment she needed time away from them and Natalie's house was the perfect place.

She shoved open the library and took a deep breath to calm herself. She didn't want Isaac questioning her about her day. She didn't even know the guy.

"Hello," she said to Isaac after she had made her way to his spot at the back.

"Hello!" Isaac exclaimed. He looked cuter than ever in a pink hoodie and dark jeans. "It's not even been two minutes and you're already checking me out. You should stop-"

Blushing, she snapped, "I'm not checking you out."

He smiled. "Your cheeks say otherwise."

"God, you are so goddamn self-centered." Then, under her breath, she mumbled, "Just like every other boy on this dumb planet."

Isaac chuckled. "Here," he said and handed her the bus pass.

"Thanks. I can't get to school without it." She stuffed it into her pocket and stood there awkwardly. "Well, I'll just-"

"You wanna get some food or something?" Isaac asked, his eyes studying her face.

"No, I-" Her stomach grumbled at the mention and Natalie fell silent.

"That is a yes. Let's go. I know this amazing cafe with the best coffee."

Natalie smiled. "Does that mean your favourite place for coffee is not Starbucks?"

"No!" Isaac got up and started to go to the door. "I'm not a fan of American things."

"Well, technically-"

Isaac put up a hand. "Stop! You aren't a true Canadian if you say that we are technically Americans!"

"To be fair, I was born in Florida."

Isaac gasped loudly and held the door open for her. "What are you doing here, you traitor?"

Natalie burst out laughing at his reaction and followed him down the street. Isaac's mouth twitched upwards and he pointed at a small place called 'Cafe Maria'.

"They have such creative names."

Isaac scrunched his nose. "Like Starbucks makes sense."

"Whoa, what is it with you and Starbucks?" They walked inside, the bell jingling above them. The smell of coffee was lingering, but it wasn't that strong and Natalie found that pleasant. They found a seat at centre because all the others were occupied.

"My mother is the manager of one," Isaac muttered. At first, Natalie didn't understand.

"What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing. Nothing except for the fact that I don't like her," he spat.

"Why?" Natalie asked, confused.

"What can I get you today?" A boy asked them. His tone said that he was extremely bored to be there.

"Andrew, your enthusiasm is what I come to this cafe for."

Andrew glared daggers at him. "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here."

Isaac rolled his eyes. "Well, now that you are, get me a latte and some sandwiches."

He turned to Natalie and put on a fake smile. "And what would your date like?"

"Andrew!" Isaac scolded.

Andrew's lips curled up. "Wait till Taylor hears about this."

"Don't you dare."

"I," Natalie said loudly. "Would like a Frappe."

"Wonderful. I'll get it in five."

After he had left, Isaac rolled his eyes again and said, "Just ignore everything that comes out of his mouth."

"Who is Taylor?"

"No one. Just drop it," Isaac muttered.

"I mean, even Bradley brought it up," Natalie pushed.

"Just drop it," Isaac said sternly.



They lapsed into an uncomfortable silence and waited for their coffee. This idea has gone from bad to worse. It was so awkward, Natalie wanted to run away.

When their coffees and sandwiches had finally arrived, Isaac spoke. "What do you think of the cafe?"

Natalie smirked. "I thought you despised small talk."

"Well," Isaac sighed. "You have to start somewhere."

"Then let's play 21 questions."

"Oh no," Isaac said with widened eyes.

"Oh, come on!" Natalie whined. "We won't make it too personal."

Isaac threw his hands up in exasperation. "No way! I barely know you!"

"Please!" She begged.

"Not too personal!"

"Deal," she said and held out her hand for him to shake. He narrowed his eyes, but shook her hand. "I'll start." Isaac shrugged. "What's your full name?"

"Isaac Pascal Collins. What's yours?"

Natalie sipped a bit of her frappe and smiled. "That's one decent middle name, Pascal." He glared at her. "I'm joking, relax. My full name is Natalie Olivia Davis."

Isaac nodded and took a bite of his sandwich. "Your turn."

"I know. What's your favourite colour?"

"Emerald. Yours?"

"Aubergine." Natalie's phone suddenly rang, interrupting their little game. On seeing the caller ID, she realized it was Felicity. "Oh, shit. I have to go. I forgot....I'll see you later?"

Isaac shrugged. "Possibly. See you later, Natalie. Don't stress out too much."

She smiled. "I won't. Also, since you owe me ten already, pay for my frappe." Grabbing the cup, she hurried out of the cafe. Gosh, he was hot.

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