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Natalie watched as Felicity's mother embraced her daughter while her father stood away from them, scowling. Felicity, though, was oblivious to this. She glanced up at her house and smiled at Natalie. She was finally home after four weeks.

Her mother still wasn't completely fine with her kissing girls and nearly fainted when she saw the non-platonic hug that Felicity and Drew shared, but she was glad that Natalie and her weren't dating. Her father, on the other hand, wasn't looking at her, let alone talking. He was going to be a tough shell to crack, but now that Felicity was home, she could somehow convince him that nothing had changed.

"Well, I'll be heading off now," Natalie piped in. She was currently leaning against her mother's car, which she had borrowed to drop Felicity off.

"Thank you so much!" Her friend screamed and pulled her into a bone-crushing hug.

"Kinda....dying," Natalie gasped and pulled away, gripping her throat. "Do me a favour and try not to kill me."

Felicity laughed and her mother gave Natalie hug. Natalie then got into her car and drove off into the night, the breeze blowing through the open window.

She couldn't help but miss her best friend. Though they saw each other in school everyday, she enjoyed having her home excluding the reason. Now, she would actually have to have chats with Victoria and talk to her parents.

Sighing, she decided to take a longer route to avoid going home. At first, she squeezed the car through an alley, then over a bridge and beyond the public library. Just a few more miles and she would be halfway across the town.

Her eyes scanned the people walking at the crosswalk and nearly shouted his name when she saw Isaac sitting on the curb. Deciding not to yell his name, she called him, hoping the traffic light would stall her longer.

He didn't move to pick up the ringing phone, but after about five rings, he reached into his pocket and glanced at the caller ID. The look on his face was unreadable as he picked it up.


"So sitting on curbs is the new craze, eh?"

Immediately, his head snapped up and he scanned the area, trying to find her.

"Where are you?"

Natalie glanced at the traffic light. Thirty more seconds. "In a black car, waiting for the green light."

He glanced around but let out a sigh when he couldn't find her. "Be a little more specific?"

"Just look up and stare straight ahead."

He did and his eyes slid over her face.

"Come on. Get in. You have ten seconds."

In a split second, he made his decision and ran to her car. Throwing the passenger seat open, he got in and closed it just as the light turned green.

Natalie smirked. "I'm impressed. Now, buckle up." And without warning, she sped away from the intersection.

"What are you doing?" He asked, gripping the dashboard. "Trying to get revenge from before?"

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