『Chapter 11』

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So so so so so so sorry I haven't updated! 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。 I have been REALLY busy with comic con coming up. I've been nonstop working on my cosplay and to top it off, FINALS. (; ̄д ̄)Yes so I have been busy but once testing is over and I have more free time I will write more. Thank you if you're still reading! *hugs* ok here's the next chapter!


It's been a week since Hanji found out about Levi and me. She still won't shut up about it. She still brings it up in the worst situations and oh how much I wish I could smack her to the other side of the room. I-It's not like w-we did anything that night anyway so why does she still bring it up? Probably just to bother me.

I moan in annoyance as I slowly make my way down the long hallway. Erwin had called us all in for a meeting that morning. I hope it's nothing scary or too important, you know? I'm not really in the mood for bad news at the moment. I open the door to the conference room.

"_____!!" I heard an excited Hanji yell.

"Hanji!" I weakly yelled back and returned her bear hug.

"Okay. Okay. Settle down." Erwin said in a deep voice from his seat at the head of the table. "Have a seat cadet (L/N)."

I quickly pulled out a chair next to Hanji and sat down.

"We have some very important news for all of you." Erwin said.

I looked up to face Erwin but accidentally glanced at the short Corporal sitting in a chair next to him. He looked back at me but I played it off as if I was looking somewhere else. Idiot. I thought to myself and I bit my lip trying to hide my blush. Even though Levi and I were technically 'together' it still felt awkward around other people.

"We will be taking an expedition outside the walls to attempt to reclaim wall Maria."

Everyone looked at Erwin in shock, but nobody dared object.

"We leave tomorrow morning so get your rest. Thank you."

That's it? Nothing else to say?

Everyone, still in a little bit of shock, slowly stood up to leave. I stared down at the wood table for a minuet before snapping back to reality and quickly getting up to follow everyone else out.

Millions of thought race through my head as I make my way back to my room.

Can we even do it? Was one of the thoughts that ate at me the most.

Well the best thing I can do for now is get my rest and p-prepare for tomorrow. Everything will be fine.

I quickly walked down the hallway to my room.

Why am I thinking of this now?


"Mom's coming home today!" I yelled happily as I jumped around my father.

"Don't forget your brother and sister too." He laughed.

"Ya! but mom said when she comes home we can bake a big cake!" I ran around a bit more.

I was around the age of 6. My mother was a squad leader of the survey corps and my brother and sister were members of her squad. I looked up to them so much. They were my inspiration and motivation to do anything.

I held my dad's hand and ran with him through the large crowd of citizens. "___! slow down!" he would yell every once in a while.

"There they are!" I yelled as we neared the front of the crowd.

I jumped up and down in excitement as I awaited my mom's return. My dad bent over and slowly brought me up to his shoulders.

My large, vibrant, smile slowly faded away as I realized the injured soldiers returning. Bandages, blood. The familiar, metallic  like smell reached my nostrails and I winced.

"H-hey dad. Where's mom?" I ask shakily. She wasn't in her usual spot. She must be injured or something. Maybe they have her laying down in a wagon.

"I'm not sure __"  He answered. I could hear the fear in his voice.

He slowly bent over to set me down. I hopped off and ran towards one of my mom's good friends on her squad. I couldn't find my siblings either. They must have been with mom on another wagon.

"Scarlet!" I yelled happily as I sprinted towards her horse.

"__!" I heard my dad yell from behind me. I ignored him and continued on.

"Hey Scarlet!" I hopped up and down next to her horse. She had a very sinister look on her face. "Scarlet?" I said just above a whisper as I stopped hopping.

She slowly brought her horse to a stop and slid off. She kept her head to the ground as she walked towards me. I frozen. Why is Scarlet acting so weird? I giggled and ran towards her. "Scarlet, why are you acting funny?" I jumped onto her and hung on her like a monkey. She still looked down at the ground and I slowly jumped off.

"Scarlet?" I whispered again. Why wasn't she talking?

She gently kneeled down in front of me and brought her fist to her heart. Small tears could be seen on the ground. Everyone had stopped now. They were all staring at Scarlet and me.

"Squad leader, (Last name), was a strong, brave soldier. S-she sacraficed herself for-" She stopped and let out a quite sob. "-humanity."

I suddenly frozen, realizing what she was saying.

"There was a sudden wave of titans. In hope of saving a few lives, (Last name) went in to help. Shortly after, your siblings went in to save (Last name). And..."

She choked on her words and more tears could been seen falling from her face, which was still looking at the ground She wouldn't look me in the eyes. I fell to my knees. Tears formed in my ears with out any hesitation.



-Next day-

I shakily tightened my grip on my horses reins. It's okay. It''s okay.

"Open the gate." I heard Erwin say in his deep voice ahead of me.

I looked around an saw Hanji waving at me from her horse. I weakily waved back and continued to look around. I saw Levi on his horse behind Erwin. He didn't acknowledge me at all and continued to stare ahead.

"They aren't gonna make it!"

"They are just a waste of money!"

My head shot to the side at the sound of these remarks. I quickly located the culprit and stared at him with my most sinister glare. Suddenly my eyes catch something else behind the man.

"Look how cool they are!"

"They're like super heroes!"

My eyes softened as I noticed the 3 little kids behind the crowd. They watched us with such hope, happiness. The bliss of being young. "Super heroes." I whisper with a smile.

My attention turned back to the gate as it slowly opened. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in.

This is it


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