Dallas Winstion

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pt 1

You felt a hit of jealousy seeing the way he played with her wavy hair, while you had straight black hair

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You felt a hit of jealousy seeing the way he played with her wavy hair, while you had straight black hair. You had a crush on Dallas for a long time. The only one who knew was Ponyboy.

"Get lost hood!"The Soc girl yelled at Dally.

"C'mon Dally leave her alone,"Johnny said making you and Ponyboy shocked. No one ever stood up to Dally like that.

Putting his hands up in defeat Dally sat back in his previous spot next to you.

"You got quiet,"Dally stated after you stopped talking to him once he sat back down.

"So,"you sassed looking back at the movie.

"What's wrong?"He asked putting his full attention on you.

"Doesn't matter."

"Yes it does,"Dally said shocking you. You went back to silent mode and Dally kept bugging.

"C'mon y/n I know there's something wrong,"Dally commented making you finally snap.

"I like you dammit,"you growled getting up and leaving the boys all behind going home.

That was a dreadful mistake to go alone.

When you are a greaser,

and Socs are always after you.

pt 2

Dally p

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Dally p.o.v


"I like you dammit."

Those four words made me freeze in my stop. I didn't even go after her when she ran off.

"Dally you alright?"Pony asked getting me back into reality.

"I'm good,"I replied leaning back in my chair.

"Ya know she's liked you for a while,"he paused "go after her."

"I can't."


"I don't know what to say,"I shrugged taking out a cigarette.

"Fine then talk to her tommrow,"Pony said turning back to the movie.

When the movie ended we went back to the Curtis house to find Darry sitting in the living room looking .... distracted.

"Darry what's wrong?"Pony asked running to sit by his oldest brother.

"It's y/n,"he replied with watery eyes.

"What happened?"I quickly asked focusing all my attention on the next few words.

"Sodapop found her at the park all beaten up, it was bad she had stab wounds so he took her to the hospital. He just called me and said shes in a coma."

As if all my senses kicked in I ran to the hospital not stopping.

Guilt was filling inside of me making it harder to breath with every step.

"I'm here for y/n,"was the first thing I said to the old women at the front desk.

"Your relationship?"

What is our realtionship. I mean with all these things happening I couldn't  help but think-


"Room 209 on the second floor."

Racing past the sick or injured people I reached the room y/n was at. My heart was pounding and my hands were sweaty. Placing my right hand on the gold doorknob I took a breath and turned it.

Y/n layed there in a plain simple hospital gown. Something she would hate. She was a colorful bright person even though that was something no greasers could stand about her. I simply adored it.

"Oh y/n,"I choked on a sob going by her side.

"Please wake up I couldn't live with out you,"I begged letting wet tears fall.

"I don't know why it took me so long but y/n I like you.

Please dont die."

Hours passed and I never moved.

I couldn't.

I felt all this guilt, maybe if i went after her she would still be stealing my cigarettes, coming by to the bar and getting drunk with me but helping my hangovers, keeping me out of trouble with the Socs, calming me down when Johnny would say his parents hurt him again.

When I heard a line go dead I looked quickly to the monitor fearing the worse.

Y/n had stopped breathing.

I was soon being surrounded by doctors some trying to push me out but I kept refusing trying to see her face one more time.

Just one more time.


DADDIES | pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now