Ben Parish

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Ben saying he could take you down

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Ben saying he could take you down.


"This will be a piece of cake,"Ben smirked putting his fist up.

Returning the smirk you followed his movement.

Before everything happened your father taught you some mixed martial arts and your older brothers were in wrestling, so you knew a few moves.

Hearing the whistle you waited for him to through the first punch. 

Seeing his fist come close to your face you grabbed it and twisted turning him and knocking him to the ground.

"Easy,"you smiled walking away.

"Wait,"you heard Ben call making you roll your eyes.

"What? Want to do that again?"

"No,"he blushed "what's your name?"

"Really Ben?"You glared at him"we went to the same school, same grade, basically the same classes, you were the classic popular stuck up jock and things haven't changed."

"Wait y/n?"He asked realization hitting him.

"The classic quiet lone wolf who didn't care to put herself out there, and got quieter after your mom died. The one who thought people hated her and only talked crap about you but really they spoke so highly of you,"Ben smiled at his choice of words.

Your insides melted at the somewhat kind words and you couldn't help but smile slightly. 

However you had to keep you attitude so you simply flipped him off walking away.

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