Kian Lawley

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Kian face timing you

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Kian face timing you.


"My flight was delayed,"you frowned knowing it was take longer to see Kian.

"But I won't be able to touch your beautiful face,"he whined frowning as well.

Blushing you couldn't help but feel jittery.

You and Kian weren't a thing but you guys had a thing.

Kian would be flirty and you would too.

But neither of you made it official.

"I wouldn't let you anyway,"you paused laughing seeing his reaction "you'd ruin my makeup."

"Good because pure beauty like yours shouldn't be covered with makeup."

Oh my god in my reading/writing class you have two assigned spots that you switch when the you go from reading to writing and with my luck I have to sit in the same pod/group in both spots with this boy I talked to over summer, that LIKED me but suddenly liked this other girl and we stopped talking after that.

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