Adam Banks

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Adam when you get moved to the ducks

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Adam when you get moved to the ducks.


"Adam I have to talk to you,"you whispered to your best friend.

You two were the duo everyone knew couldn't be torn apart. Even when it came to hockey.

The both of you were on the same team for the Hawks.

However you had received some heart stopping news.

And Adam knew how much you hated how stuck of the Hawks team could be so you wanted to change teams, but you also didn't want to leave Adam.

"Yea?"He asked as he followed you to the side of the rink.

"TheDuckswantme,"you said quickly wanting to get the news out.

"What?"He asked making a face.

"My mom wants me to go, she said it would be better for me knowing the stress I feel being on this team."

"We would be against each other?"

That sentence was so foreign to the both of you. 

"I guess,"you shrugged"but it's not like our friendship is ending everything will still be the same it's just that I'm going to be on a new team."

"Okay,"he smiled causing you to smile back.

"Great,"you said walking away.

Frowning Adam couldn't help but get scared. 

You were going to go on a new team with new kids, new boys.

He has had a crush on you since the moment he layed eyes on you and you were so into hockey you couldn't even see that.

But now you were leaving,

and Adam was scared to lose you to another boy.

Sorry if this is bad  ilovepanandnewt   I've never seen the movie so I had to read about it.

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