Not Ready {T.H.}

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    A Jane the Virgin inspired imagine

   Y/B/F/N = your best friend's name

   Word count: 1058

    You and Y/B/F/N were in downtown Atlanta away from the SMH set for a little bit. You and ya girl hadn't had time to hang out with Tom filming and everything, but today was the day that y'all were going to go to Six Flags for the day. You woke up feeling a little off but dismissed it as nothing.  You were driving and still felt ill; apparently, it showed on your face. 

   "Y/N, you ok?" Y/B/F/N asked.

   "Yeah, I'm fine. Just feel a little nauseous is all," you replied as you pulled into a parking spot. You got out of the car and were immediately taken over by a dizziness that caused you to black out. 

   You woke up in a hospital bed with Y/B/F/N sitting on a chair next to you. She noticed you were awake and alerted a nurse. 

   "I see you're awake Mrs Holland, how are you feeling?" he asked. 

   "I'm ok. Um, what happened?" you asked confused. 

   "Well, congratulations Mrs Holland, you're pregnant," he answered.

   "What?!" both you and Y/B/F/N exclaimed simultaneously.

   "What do you mean I'm pregnant?" you asked.

   "We took a sample of your blood while you were still unconscious," he replied.

   "Can I take another test to see the proof myself?" 

   "Sure, take this and pee in it up to this line," he said handing you a clear cup. After you peed in the cup, the nurse had a piece of paper and dipped it into the cup.

   "Pink means pregnant," he noted. He pulled it out after a few seconds and you saw a very bright pink colour at the end of it. 

   "Could you please give me a moment of privacy?" you asked, feeling hot tears in your eyes, and he drew the curtain leaving you and Y/B/F/N. 

   And you broke. 

   You and Tom weren't ready for a baby. You had gotten married at such a young age and you still weren't out of college. You were 18 when he proposed and he'd just turned 19 when the pair of you got married. Tom wouldn't have time for a baby or want one, what with future acting roles and the ones he has now. So there in that hospital bed, you cried like you'd never cried before.

   "P-please don't e-even tell T-Tom that we were here," you wept in Y/B/F/N arms.

   "I swear."

   Time skiiiipppp~~~~~~~~~~

   It had been a few weeks since you were at the hospital, and you were taking morning sickness pills behind Tom's back. Y/B/F/N still hadn't said anything and Tom still didn't know. Tonight, however, Tom, Haz, Harry, Jacob, Zendaya, Tony, and yourself were all going out to eat to celebrate the wrap-up of filming SMH. Everyone had a beer except for you which was a little strange to Tom, and you ate the most out of anyone. After everyone ate, Haz made a comment about you looking a little "podgy"; you knew he meant it in jest, but it got to your pregnancy hormones. You excused yourself to the bathroom the second after he said it;  your eyes were like a dam that was about to overflow with hot tears. Tom could definitely tell something was wrong when you returned from the bathroom a little while later with red eyes. Not just him, but everybody else; they all started staring at you.

   "Why are you all staring at me?" you said quietly with a slight anger in your voice. 

   "Y/N, can I talk to you outside for a minute?" Tom asked quietly. You nodded and followed him outside to the front of the restaurant. 

    "What is up with you? Recently you've been acting hormonal, like a lot. Are you on your period? Is that it?" he asked you. And you started to cry because you knew you had to tell him. 

   "Hey, it's alright, I'm here for you," he soothed you. 

   "But you won't be here for it," you said. 


   "Remember a few weeks ago when Y/B/F/N and I were planning to go to Six Flags?" He nodded in remembrance. "We made it to the parking lot, but that was it. I blacked out the moment I stepped out of the car. When I woke up the nurse said they took my blood and tested it and it was positive, but I wanted to see the proof for my self so I took another one and the tip was pink."

   "Y/N, what are you talking about?"

   "I-I'm pregnant," you said quietly and reality sunk into Tom. Tears started to fall down his face and he smiled.

   "You're pregnant?" he asked in disbelief.

   "I know you don't want it, Tom. We're just not ready for this."

   "Y/N, are you kidding me? Of course I want our baby! This is just a new chapter, a new challenge in our lives. I know we're young, but we can do this. You can do this. You already make a great wife and friend; I know you'll make a great mother to this baby. I know you're scared and believe me I am too; but if you're gonna raise this baby, I want to raise it with you. I want to be there every step of the way." 

   You just hugged him as he and you kept crying; tears falling everywhere. You didn't realize how long you had been outside until you heard Haz's voice. 

   "Hey Tom, you need t--" he cut off when you both turned around with red, teary faces. "Oh, sorry, I'll just-- go."

   "No, it's fine. We were about to go back inside," you commented.

   "Oh-- uh, okay," Haz said with an uncertainty in his voice.

   "Everything's fine, Y/N--" Tom started but was cut off by an elbow in his ribs.

   "Just was sharing some news with Tom that I would like to keep private for a bit," you said as you glared at Tom.

   Haz stared at the both of you for a moment before responding. "Ok, whatever. You just need to pay for your part real quick is all I came out here to say." 

   After Tom paid, you and he went home and immediately got in bed. But before you went to sleep, Tom kept talking to your stomach and you realized how excited he was for this baby. And then you couldn't wait to have your family.

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