Ch. 9

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"Okay ma'am, can you tell us when the abuse began?" The police investigator asked.

"I guess from the beginning." I signed to the translator. The police investigator quickly scribbled something on a clipboard.

"How about your father?" The police investigator asked.

"Okay I guess." I shrugged my shoulders. The police investigator nodded her head. I didn't care for the questions and just answered them like a good girl. I really didn't want to relive my near death experience with a stranger but I had to. I rolled my eyes and continued with the question-answer game.


"How was the questioning?" Justin walked me out of the building.

"Boring." I signed. We were in the parking lot walking to his Jeep.

"When's your court date?" He asked, then put his hands in his jean pockets. It was 1:00 in the morning and still dark outside. I was in the stupid police station for a few hours. Justin was also questioned but not as long as I was. However, he waited patiently for me. His brother, whose name I found out was Chris, left an hour after his questioning due to his job he had in the early morning. It was very chilly out, making me shiver.

"Here, have my jacket." Justin took his jacket off and put it on my shoulders. My nose was becoming red.

"Thanks." My fingers felt numb as I signed. He unlocked the car and we both got in quickly.

We were both silent on the road. The police told me that I was still underage and needed a parent/guardian. Since Chris was overage when we were there, he vouched to be a guardian for me for the time being until they contacted my father. So, I would be staying at Justin's house. Every girl's dream, except mine. It was still pretty awkward between us since the kiss. We had definitely gathered a bond but I still didn't know what kind of bond. I had kissed him, but that was in the heat of the moment when I thought I was dead. He told me that I would stay in one of his sister's rooms. I was actually quite surprised he had that many siblings when he told me earlier. I kind of thought he was spoiled, sort of like me. I guess not.

We stopped by Krispy Kreme and both got a donut because we were hungry. Similar to the car ride, we both sat in silence eating our donut. The only noise that could be heard was the sound of the donut making process. We were the only people there, since it was 1:00 in the morning. The worker was on his phone while we ate.

"So I forgot to thank you for saving my life." I signed to him.

"No problem, I saw a damsel in distress and it was in my best interest to save her." He grinned at me with his boyish charm.

"Are you going to school tomorrow?" I signed to him.

"Nah, the cops told me I can stay home tomorrow since I was a in a traumatic event." He answered casually while taking a bite out of his sprinkled donut. "How about you?"

"Same, I'm glad though." I shrugged my shoulders. "Can I ask you something?"

"Go for it."

"Is there something between you and Rosy?" I signed. "Because at the party-" He grabbed my hands and put them down so I couldn't sign.

"No, there is nothing between her and me." He assured.

"So the kiss was it?" I signed. He had told me that the kiss was just Rosy being Rosy and she had latched onto her face back at the station. He had also told me that he immediately pushed her off.

"Yes, just a kiss, nothing more." He lied and like the fool I am, I had believed him.

"One more thing, is there something between us?" I took another bite of my donut.

"Isn't there something already?" He leaned in and kissed my lips with the donut still in my mouth. I pushed him off.

"We're in public!" I signed to him giggling. I tried to swallow the rest of my donut. Justin rolled his eyes and stood up. He put his hands to his mouth like a megaphone.

"ATTENTION PEOPLE! Please do not be offended by my public displays of affection for my girlfriend!!!" He jumped on the table. I blushed from embarrassment. The worker looked up from his phone with a puzzled face the. Went back to his phone.

"See! Nobody cares, geez!" He laughed. I still couldn't believe he called me his girlfriend. I guess we were officially together.

We both walked out of the donut shop feeling happy holding hands. It was nearly 2 in the morning and we were tired out. He opened the car door for me like a gentlemen and shut it once I was in. He put on the song, "Cough Syrup" by Young the Giant and I instantaneously fell asleep. He woke me up again when we got to his house but I fell asleep. He picked me up bridal style and put me down on a bed.

"I love you Marie Grace Stewart. And I hope you'll forgive me someday." He whispered to my sleeping body as he pulled up the covers.

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