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Author Note: Part 3 to the loved Vision's Theft and Bonnie's Theft Series. And it picks up shortly after those novellas. This is a Stefan/Caroline and Bonnie/Damon fic, ignoring the alaric and the twins storyline.

Bonnie walked around the small desk that Damon had set up in the foyer earlier that morning. Tapping the pen against her bottom lip as she went through the list of things she needed for the fifth time. She glanced down at the clipboard in her hand, that held the list of questions she had typed up. Ignoring the feeling of Caroline's eyes barreling into her. Sure that she was coming off as a crazy person muttering to herself.

Rather than stand there and judge her; maybe Caroline should have went with Stefan and Emma to the park like she begged her too. Emma was becoming the light of Caroline's life, more and more. Just like Mila was for her. And Bonnie didn't think she'd ever regret the moment Stefan stole her from the hospital. Even though she liked to lament its wrong doing to everyone who would listen.

Caroline leaned on the banister and groaned. "Can you at least tell me why you're meeting with the job applicants in the foyer instead of the living room?"

"To throw off there equilibrium," she said moving the cactus from one side of the desk to the other.

Caroline nodded as if her explaination made complete sense when it didn't. "Or there going to think that you're worried about them stealing," she laughed. Squeezing by the desk to head into the kitchen and pull out a blood bag. "Why can't I just do it like I have for the last few months," she called back."

"No offense to you, but Damon has more enemies than Stefan. So we need a nanny down with the suepernatural cause."

"Whatever you say," she said reappearing in the hallway. Tossing Bonnie a blood bag of her own.

Before she could open it. The bell rang and Bonnie panicked. She threw the bag back, but in her hurry it landed on the floor. "There early. I didn't plan for early." She sat down at the desk. Not sure if it was better for her to stand or lean against the desk. The bell rang for a second time.

Caroline rushed past her and answered the door. Hiding the bag behind her back. Shaking her head at Bonnie's nervous behavior. Clearly whoever was on the other end didn't have a heartbeat. Confirmed as soon as she opened it by the presence of Elena, who was definitely apart of the non human variety.

"Why can't I have a key?" Elena said pushing past Caroline to sit on the desk in front of Bonnie. Deliberately trying to throw off her equilibrium. She knew this was a big day for Bonnie.

"Do you live here?" Caroline asked snidely, folding her arms in front of her.

"On the weekends," Elena shrugged.

Carolina's brow furrowed, obviously trying to find away to dispute that fact.

Bonnie pulled the clipboard out from under Elena's butt; cutting her eyes at her. "Get up. Now."

"What are you even doing here?" Caroline asked, unable to keep the hostility out of her voice.

"Enzo told me to meet him here. But don't worry, will be out of here before you're little nannies arrive."

Elena and Enzo's relationship had quickly become one of those things on Caroline's list that shouldn't happen. And once she had her mind set on something there was no changing it. Bonnie tended to agree, but only because there relationship borderlined on abuse. On both sides, because from all accounts Elena gave as good as she got. But Bonnie couldn't exactly judge anyone for being in a toxic relationship.

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