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On the plus side it was a beautiful house. Almost too much house for a person a nannying salary. Affording a single family home with blue shingles had to be rare. Especially a two story, although the second story looked like an addon to the house.  It made him wonder what else the little minx hadgoing on. Hopefully, it was enough to distract him from his ownproblems.

Yet, he'd have to get out of the carfor that to happen. He'd already sat in front of the house for twohours. Watching her fluttering back and forth in front of the big picture window behind navy blue curtains that were just the right amount of see through. To leave him wanting and guessing. Craving her silhouette.

"Damon, what are you doing here?" Came a woman's voice after a sharp knock on the window.

He jumped startled that Rachel was even able to get the drop on him. Rolling down the window, thinking his stealth skills were more than a little rusty.

"Should I call the police now orjust stake you?"

He laughed, pushing the door open and getting out. "See this is why we didn't hire you, Rach. Vampirescan't just be killed by a stake."

She folded her arms around her chest. "Not my concern anymore. What are you doing here?"

He looked her up and down, her blond hair pulled back into a messy ponytail. Wearing some grey shorts that fell at her knees and a white tank. I wanted to see you.

She rolled her eyes and walked back towards the house. "I already apologized to your wife profusely. Sono harm no foul."

Damon stopped at the doorstep, physically unable to go any further. "No, I think you misunderstood me. I'm here to see you," he said reaching out to grab her back pocket before she could make into the door.

She looked at him bewildered. Shrugging off his touch. "Do I really look like the married mantype? I mean please point out what ticked you off so that I canchange it?"

"Alright," he said trying for a different approach. "I could totally tell you that I haven't sleptwith my wife in a year. Or that I moved out of the house today andthat I physically can't stand being in the same room with her."

"You could-" she said with an eyeroll.

He put his finger on her lips to silence her rant. "And it would all be true, but all you need to know is that I want to be your next bad decision. Next to whether to cook the tv dinner or order bad takeout. Both will probably leave you on the toilet tomorrow.

She repressed a smile and then laughed. "You were out here a weird amount of time."

He leaned on the side of the house. Looking out at the street and his parked car. "I usually am more direct, but a lot of things have changed."

"Well you didn't disappoint."

His brow furrowed as he licked his lips. "Do I hear a little I was hoping you'd show up and rock myworld in there?"

She pushed his arm. "How old are you? You rock my world. No. But yes you can come in and be my nextand only bad decision because I'm making salad."

The place he entered was opposite of anything that he would ever have expected from the voluptuous blond. It looked like it had been decorated by her mother or some other maternal figure. A quilt thrown over the back of the couch.  A rug that matched the throw pillows and the china cabinet in the which wasn't a bad thing? But he was interested to get a better peek into her personality.

"Would you like something to drink?" She asked disappearing into the kitchen.

"Sure," he said throwing his jacket onto the couch.

He couldn't have been out of the game so long that he actually wanted to know this chick's personality. He needed to get his head in the game. Empty sex. "Forget Bonnie, and just have fun."

"Did you say something?" She asked carrying in two glasses of red wine.

"No," he said taking the offered glass and downing it in one sip. He didn't even taste it. Before wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her in. Discarding her wine glass to be forgotten on the coffee table.

She pushed him away, hesitant. "What's going on here? What is this about? What are you hiding behind those eyes?"

He threw his hands up in the air. "Let's not do this again. Remember. Bad decisions. No thoughts. Nothinking." He used his vampire speed and lifted her up into the air. Her legs wrapping around his waist.

"Is vampire sex always like that?"she asked a little breathy, and heady from the dizziness.

"We're not having sex yet?" He laughed holding on to her as they found themselves at the base of her steps. Her laugh infectious as he stopped just long enough for her to catch her breath and feel the full power of his speed. They reached the top of the stairs and he whispered in her ear, "Which one is your room?"

"The last one on the right."

He dumped her on the bed and threw off his black shirt. This room was much more indicative of what he hadpictured. Clothes thrown all over the floor, to the point where his shirt fit right in. Empty two liter bottles of pop, strewn across her dresser. One that seemed to be half filled with pennies. A floor length mirror on the far wall that seemed to be decorated with pictures of herself and her bestie.

That aside, it was good to be wanted by someone. To see a smile that wasn't followed up by a snarl of disapproval or so much expectation that it was enough to choke on. Even as his fingers found there way underneath Rachel's shirt, she felt like freedom, and ice cream, and laughs on a warm summer day. Her lips were soft and inviting and whispered more than just apologies, and worries.

But when he pulled away from her it wasn't Rachel, but Bonnie that he was looking at. Rachel's normally dark brown eyes disappeared in way of Bonnie's hazel. Trailing kisses down her caramel skin and not the normally pale peach of Rachel's. He was so lost in his head until he couldn't tell what he was doing.

Her moans quickly deteriorated to whimpers of pain. "Stop," she said trying to push him off, feebly. "Stop." Smacking him across the face.

He fell back stunned. "I'm sorry."

"You were hurting me," she said near tears. "It was like there was anger in your every touch. Forgod's sake i'm going to have your finger prints digging into my thighs for the next month." Reaching over to cut on the night table lamp. The room instantly brightened by a warm yellow light. Pulling back the band of her shorts to see a black and blue bruise the size of a thumb print.

"I'm sorry," he said trying to reach out and touch her hand.

She pulled back a little scared. "NOOO, to whatever you're going to do right now."

He stood up. "Maybe I should just go."

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