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"So you never asked me why I changed my mind?" Rachael leaned against the door jamb of her bedroom. Observing him like a cat ready to pounce.

She cleaned up the room. The smell of old food disappated. No doubt she just shoved everything into a closet and febreezed the carpet. Why? He wouldn't call there relationship febreezable. "You changed the room?" Whirling around to see every inch of her curves in some tight skinny jeans and plain white tee. That was slightly opaque and showed her perky nipples.

"Oh, yeah. Just more room for us to play," she said skipping towards him and wrapping her arms around his waist. He leaned down to kiss her plush pink lips, but even he could admit something was off. It wasn't the same. Of course it's not supposed to be the same as Bonnie, but he wanted it to be. He picked Rachael up and tried to shake the notion of Bonnie from his head.

She kissed down his neck and his eyes made there way to the mirror. He wasn't going to do this. He wasn't ready. And Damon Salvatore is always ready? He pushed her off him. "I-I can't."

"What do you mean?" Than it was like a light bulb went off in her head.

Making him feel even worse, like a middle aged man going through a mid-life crisis. All he was missing was the beer belly and bald spot.

She reached for his belt, "Lets take care of that."

He stopped her before she could even go down on her knees. "No, I mean I can't with you. I'm going back to my wife and i'm going to stay there." He moved to step around her, but she grabbed his arm. "You're to pretty to be desperate."

"Okay." Smacking him across the face. "Don't be a jerk. Second what about her selfishness. Loyal to everyone else but you."

"I'm tired of not being happy. And i'm happy when i'm with her. We can figure everything else out later." He put his hands on either side of her face. "You are gorgeous and in another world. I just need to be with Bonnie now."

"Go." Her eyes flickering through a thousand emotions before settling on anger. It hurt more that he used his speed because he was gone in a blink of an eye. Like he was never even there. She went over to the window and watched his car speed off into the distance. "But I did have you in another world. At least this body did, and I'll make sure that you see Bonnie for the selfish bitch we both know she is."

She walked down the stairs two at a time aware that she needed to put her plan into affect now if it was going to work. Going to a large, brown shopping bag discarded in the middle of the living room. She went shopping earlier for something a tad sexier than her usual faire. Sure this was going to be a long but satisfying weekend. At least she still had the receipt, but with her luck it was unreturnable. But she makes her own luck now.

Pushing the lingerie aside she pulled out a red scarf that she had grabbed from the backseat of his car. Distracting him as she leaned in and stuffed the scarf in her pocket. Maybe it was a good idea that they had taken two cars. She wrapped the scarf around both of her arms and put it up to her nose. "I'd recognize your stench anywhere. Let's just hope your DNA is on it too."

She cleared the coffee table in one swoop. Sending jumk mail, this afternoon's half eaten BLT, and books she'd never read to the floor. Making a space for the scarf off to the side. Everything else she needed was still in her room.

"I guess will see whose faster, me or Damon."

She pulled out a small stool underneath a pile of her shoes. Suddenly, she was obsessed with them. Must be a hold over from this body's former life. Lifting a ceiling tile and pulling out another shoe box. She grinned. "Hi baby," her voice rising an octave. "I was going to use you next week, but now Damon's forced my hand. See he seems to think she should be forgiven." She stepped down from the stool and rushed down the stairs. "Now originally I was going to make her pay by using him, but he's as much a victim in all this as me. He just needs to be shown."

With one wave of her hand, she cut off all the lights in the house. She handled the box with care as if it contained her whole life. And it might as well had, carrying all the ingredients she needed to complete the spell. She discarded the top, and placed it neatly on the floor beside her. Everything in its place. That was the only way this would work is if she did everything right.

She pulled out two black candles and some matches. It took her three tries to light the thing organically. Repressing the urge to use her magic. This spell would take all of her energy. She took out the piece of chalk and drew a pentagram on the coffee table. She knew there was a reason she wanted to keep this ratty wooden table.

And then she took out the only thing that mattered. A small yellow piece of paper folded into thirds. She placed the scarf in the middle of the pentagram and unfolded the paper. Picking up a knife and slicing her hand open. Crying out as blood splattered on the scarf and paper below. She began to chant in Latin.

Sweat pooling across her forehead. As her subconscious tugged at the here and now. Somewhere outside it had started to rain. The pitter patter of rain drops against the window. It had to be a good sign. She called on the energy from the rain and the sun. Begging the ancestors not to forsake her. When she needed them the most. Barely able to make out the kitchen of the Salvatore home. Her nose bleeding from the effort. Until the little girl came into view as clear as if she were watching her on tv.

"Momma, momma what's wrong?" Mila cried at Bonnie's feet.

Her rival now curled up on the floor at the base of the stove.

"My stomach," she ground out.

"Do you want me to call daddy?" the girl sniffed, fear in her voice. "I'll call daddy."

"It won't help," she said with confidence. They wouldn't be able to hear her anyway.

Chanting (in Latin):

As salty as the oceans and seas.

Will be Bonnie Bennett's black heart.

May everyone see her true nature.

Let selfishness reign supreme.

"Don't. I'm fine," Bonnie replied using the counter to pull herself up. "Don't be scared. Besides your dads on his way here." She smiled, but it was forced. "Im just hungry."

"I was going to leave ma'am, but I can stay if you like," Patty said coming into the kitchen after the girl ran back to fetch her.

"No, go. Its just family. I don't need anyone else here," she demanded.

It must be working, she thought as she continued to chant. The scarf bursting into flames, right along with the yellow paper. It was done.

The blood on her hand drying up. The skin around it inflamed. She reached into the brown paper bag and pulled out her red lace bra. Wrapping it around her throbbing hand. It wasn't until she realized what she'd done, that she kicked herself. "Oh well, they weren't going to let me return it anyway." She stared at the flickering candle.

"Bonnie's selfishness will eat away at her until she dies. And that would be the least she deserves."

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