Chapter 1 - The start

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"Come on hyung!" The younger one shouted across the apartment to his fellow member as they struggled to get their shoes on. "Jungkook, calm down, we're not going to be late." Taehyung replied as he fixed his shirt. "Let's go, they'll be waiting."

The two boys arrived at their practise room two minutes before their manager came in, "See Kookie, I told you we wouldn't be late." He whispered into the dongsaeng's ear. "Two minutes hyung, two minutes."

"Listen up boys, it's time for your weigh in. Now get in an orderly queue and we'll start." The manager spoke up as he reached the middle of the room, with the scales behind him. The boys lined up and Taehyung ended up at the back. He waited, impatient t start practise, finally he got on the scale and waited for a reaction. "Taehyung-ah, what have you been eating recently?" this question surprised Tae as he stepped of the scale. "I've been on my diet, hyung. Why?" The manager hmed and said, "You've gained three kilograms, you weigh 71kg. You're going on a more intense diet or work out routine." Taehyung gulped, he hadn't expected to gain so much, if anything he thought he lost. He nodded and the manager told him to come the office after practise to work something out, and left. Taehyung turned around to see the members staring at him. "Taetae, you've gone over the 70. I never thought you would!" J-hope said surprisingly happy, "Hoseok stop, Tae, you know what this means, right?" Namjoon questioned, even though he knew that it was a perfectly healthy weight to be. Taehyung just nodded in response.


Practise finished an hour later than usual, they were learning the choreography for 'Blood, Sweat and Tears' but Taehyung couldn't seem to get the moves down. The choreographer finally had enough and let the boys leave. "Taetae, you were worse than Namjoon, what's gotten in you?" Earning a " Hey, I heard that." From Namjoon. Jimin asked, staring to Tae's eyes. "Nothing that I know about ChimChim." Taehyung replied, giving one of his signature box smiles, however, this time it just didn't feel right. "Anyway I'm off for the meeting." He turned to have Jimin's hand on his shoulder, "I'll come and wait outside. HYUNGS AND KOOKIE, I'm going to wait with taehyung, can you stay here for five mins please?" Jimin smiled as the others sighed in both exhaustion and annoyance.

Taehyung knocked on the door of the office to be greeted with a disappointed face and a sheet of paper. "I hope you work harder, your comeback is coming soon." The Manger noted as he gave the dietary plan to Taehyung. "I will manager-hyung." Taehyung said and gave a quick bow. "Good, now go and no more slip-ups please."

The boys collapsed into the van to take them back to dorms, moaning about how it was gonna hurt in the morning. All apart from Taehyung who put in a ear-bud and tried to block out the world. That was until Jungkook interrupted his plans. "Hey Taehyung-hyung, will you play Smash Bros with me when we get home?" The mankae pouted. "All the other hyungs won't." Taehyung being Taehyung could never resist the pout of their mankae and said yes.


Back at the dorm the boys raced to the shower while Yoongi laughed as they fell over each other, forgetting about the new coffee table, and used this moment to his advantage and made a dash to the bathroom. The rest of Bangtan had to settle with a game of 'rock, paper, scissors' to decide the order. Taehyung, being down on his luck today, just had to lose and be last for the shower. "Taeeeee~ Your turnnnnnnn~" He heard Jin shout from the kitchen. Looking up from his phone he smelt Jin's wonderful cooking and wondered how this was going to go with this new diet.

Taehyung reached the bathroom and turned on the shower to be met with freezing water. He sighed, the boys must of used it up. He stepped into the shower and shivered. Looking down at his legs he noticed that his quads weren't as defined as they were, I mean they weren't like Jungkook or Jimin's to begin with but any definition there was has seemed to round out. His stomach had also seemed to of plumped outwards. He stepped out the show and noticed the shine of one of the member's razors. It looked like Yoongi's, he always liked to keep them sharp. "No." Tae muttered to himself and dried off. Pulling of some pyjamas and made his way over the dining area, where Jin was serving up dinner.

"Oh, Tae are you starting the diet now or tomorrow?" He was asked Jin, "Because I forgot and made us ramen..." Jin looked down at the pot, both pleased and sorry. "It's fine, I'm sure what manager-nim doesn't know won't hurt him." He smiled. "Anyway, it'll be the last good meal for a while by the looks of that sheet." Taehyung muttered only allowing Hoseok to hear. This worried the older.


Satisfied with the food in their bellies, they all thanked Jin and let played another game of 'rock, paper, scissors' to settle washing up duty. And to make Taehyung's day even better, the got the duty. Namjoon patted his back and commented, "Seems like you caught my bad luck today. Try not to smash a plate." Taehyung gave a boxy smile in return and told Namjoon that he may of got his bad luck he still isn't the 'God of Destruction'. And turned to the sink to feel a cold feeling crept up on him.

While washing up one of the knifes, his hand slipped causing him to cut his finger tip. It wasn't a deep cut but it still bleed out, turning the water a grim red colour. Hissing, Taehyung clutched his finger sticking it in his mouth. As he did so however, Jungkook walked in wanting a glass of water. "Tae I thought sucking your finger was for babies?" He ridiculed to elder. "Very funny Kookie." Taehyung replied setting his finger from his mouth in time for Jungkook to see the bloody water and the blood running down his hyung's finger. "Taee..." Jungkook whispered as he pointed towards the blood almost dripping on the the tiles. "Oh fuck..." Taehyung replied as he tried to wash it off. Hissing as the water made it's way into the raw and exposed flesh.

Quickly Jungkook found the first aid kit and fixed up Taehyung's finger. Once finished he planted a kiss atop his banaged finger. "A kiss makes it better, at least that's what my mum says." They giggled at this comment. "Thank you Kookie. Still up for Smash Bros?" Smiled Taehyung. "I would but a don't want the scab to break on your finger from button mashing. Anyway, I just found my old Animal Crossing town and it needs love and attention." Jungkook stood up from the kitchen floor and went to the bedroom. Tae looked down at his finger. Why did he feel like he enjoyed it? Why did he like that sense of pain? And why did it seem to make all his troubles go away?


Later that night as he was drifting of to sleep, he heard the hyungs talking. "Jungkook told me Tae-ah cut his finger while washing up." "Oh, is he alright?" "Yes but I'm worried." "What's bothering you?" "I found some website and a load of messages all across social media about Tae. They're not good ones either." "Oh God. Let's just hope he doesn't find them." "Yes, that and the weight gain could really send him into, well you know what." "Of course. Well, night." "Yes, goodnight." Taehyung wondered what this website was and decided to search it up. He fell asleep reading about how people hated him and his body.

{{First chapter. If you are ever feeling suicidal please contact some you trust or an organisation built to help those in need, there will always be people who love and care for you sometimes it just takes a bit of searching.}}

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