Chapter 6 - The Reality

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The room was filled with a chilling silence. The members all staring at Taehyung's lifeless body, his eyes were shut and ringed with a bruise, his arms were sickly stick-like with an IV coming out of his right elbow, his hospital gown was ridden up slightly exposing the scars on his legs which were red and raw. 

Jimin silently sobbed in his hands, Jungkook dug his nails into the palm of his hand almost drawing blood, Hoseok couldn't stop his knee from bouncing as he leant on his legs, Namjoon had already started using his notebook to write down his feelings and emotions, Yoongi kept slipping in and out of nightmares of seeing Taehyung dead, dying and worse, Seokjin was eating muffins he got from a vending machine outside.

A couple of hours passed and visiting hours were over the boys were sent back to their dorms. However, the dorms didn't seem the same without the noise of Taehyung, in fact, they had forgotten what it sounded like after the way Tae had been acting for the past month still, they missed it with all their hearts. With no energy left within them, the six members went to bed. 

The first to fall asleep was Jimin, he was tired from all his crying and just wanted it to all be over. For him to wake up to Taehyung climbing on-top of him because he was missing out on pancakes.

Next was Namjoon, he was extremely mentally and emotionally drained and didn't want to have to deal with problems of the awake and so he slipped into his dreams where he was at a photoshoot playing around with Taehyung.

Seokjin was soon after as he fell asleep on top of the dining room table eating all the junk food in the cupboards, not like it was a lot, but he just wanted to think about how the food was so good and not how Taehyung might never eat food again.

Jungkook and Hoseok fell asleep cuddling each other as Taehyung would do to them. It didn't feel the same but it helped to have the skinship.

However, Yoongi wasn't falling asleep, he usually didn't fall asleep until late at night working on the music whether it be his own mixtape or the band. But tonight Yoongi was staring at the ceiling of his room lying on the floor with a million and one questions in his head. He thought about all the warning signs Taehyung was giving off, some even becoming red-flags, but he was too invested in himself to realize. Heck, he even went through the same feelings Taehyung had.

It reached six in the morning when the managers burst in through the front door. Waking everyone but Yoongi up, as he hadn't even gone to sleep yet. Still, he didn't bother to get up off his floor so he lay there his eyes unmoving and open, the air making them prick with tears. "Yoongi get up!" He heard one of his managers called but he couldn't be bothered anymore, he was filled with apathy and no longer cared about the world if it could take someone to this extreme. Eventually, the managers and the rest of BTS found their way into his room and each let out a gasp of shock, "Yoongi-hyung!" Namjoon shouted as he got down beside him and started to shake his shoulder. "Hyung what's wrong?" Jungkook asked getting down on Yoongi's other side, earning a slap on his cheek from the now irritated Yoongi. "You know what's wrong, don't act like nothing has happened." He said through gritted teeth. The managers sighed and one of them spoke up, "About that Taehyung-ah passed away during the night. It was all too much on his system." This caused Jimin to choke out a sob and Yoongi noticed tear steaks on the other members' cheeks and fresh tears appearing at the source.

It was later in the day when all the members had gathered around the computer and decided that they should make a tribute song to Taehyung while their feelings are still fresh. They decided on a beat to represent how Taehyung was, It almost sounded like his voice, deep but still maintaining a quirky and joyful feel to it. They were still talking about the lyrics and who should get what. "Hyungs" Jungkook spoke out, "What if we all have a solo part then we all sing the chorus together again at the end." They all nodded their head in agreement and Namjoon scribbled it down. Soon they started to piece parts of the song together by deciding that they would each write their own part.


Pictures echo through my head as all I can hear is your apology for the jump. My mind races to the thought of you no longer there for me to cling onto when need you to comfort me, or for me to be there for you. Your boxy smile is no longer there to cheer up the room or send a smile to our faces. But to you, I hope you're lighting up heaven with that smile.


My eyes become naturally red and puffy as you disappear from us and you fade from existence. Black became the colour that our wardrobe consisted of as we mourn your disappearance. Things become even as the man that lit up our dinner time with the smile of a child slowly can no longer be seen as he falls down into the watery abyss of our tears. Again, today we will hide from the prying eyes that want to know all about your death with no sympathy towards it.


Our smiles become frowns as the one we love sleeps six feet under surrounded by those of your kind. The sunshine behind our eyes sets and the moon refuses to come up, depressed by the thoughts we hold in our minds. We tip-toe around your name as flames engulf our hearts and we are left feeling charrded from the burn. Pain wraps itself around our wrists and holds us down to our beds. Until all we can do is move at a mediocre pace.


Dinner is served with seven plates laid out in front of me, one stays untouched as we slowly lift our chopsticks to our lips. Frowns appear instead and cold noodles fall down to the plate. Salty tears caress our cheeks as memories rush back to us forcing us to feel the pain once again as it never truly subsided. Our throats burn as another sob is choked out through plain noodles, still, no one will say a thing.


Pain courses throughout our bones at every step we take causes another wake to the reality of our crimes as we couldn't see the pain in your eyes. We cried and will cry as you slip away from us falling into the statistics of us all as you wait for us at the gates of heaven, expect we'll be going to hell for the sins we have committed against this universe. Still, we will hope that we can see you soon.


Every night I see the rust on the handle as I imagine your pain once again, my heart aches as I fall back into my old ways and is too apathetic to stop it. We stop sometimes as we can still hear your laughter riding on the cool spring breeze that passes through us when we stand looking down at what we failed to notice. 


We will stand here as we pray to see you face smile at us again. Dressed in white you will the one who will save us from the sins we have born, you died and now will have to pay for letting a human of purity and innocence disappear into the wind. We say goodbye to those as we will pay off our debt to the world.

"I think the song is good enough." Seokjin muttered, "We'll have to show it to our managers though..."  Yoongi replied. And so they did.

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