Chapter 4 - The Façade

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It was day two of Taehyung's  fast, he was hungry and thirsty. However, he may of expressed hunger at times he never showed any sign of thirst even if his throat was screaming out for moisture. "Taehyung-ah, wake up time for practise!" He heard one of the members calling, it sounded like Namjoon, "Coming Hyung!"  Tae shouted back in a cheerful voice, but, he wasn't really happy. He grabbed his clothes and ran into the bathroom. Taehyung quickly turned the water on, turning the temperature down to freezing and jumped in holding his trusty razor and started to slice up his thigh; soon Tae noticed that his blood seemed thicker, sticky-like. 

It's our sign victory is near.

We can do it.

Just today and tomorrow.

Stay strong, Fattie.

I never thought that you'd be helping me.

Thanks, guys, my last few days will be fun.

Taehyung quickly finished washing, dried off and put his razor back. "Hurry up Taetae!" He heard Jimin call out. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" Taehyung ran down to meet the rest of the members at the front door and slipped on some trainers. Hopping his second shoe on, he followed the others. "Fucking finally..." Yoongi muttered just loud enough for Taehyung to hear.

Don't worry you won't be a burden for much longer.

I guess so.

The boys piled into their van to take them to the studio. As they got there, their manager brought in the scales. They formed a line and Taehyung got to the back, apprehension clustered in his stomach. "Your go." Their manager said as Taehyung stepped onto the scale. "Very good. Sixty-five kilos. You can come off the diet now." Taehyung flashed one of his boxy smiles, which he had mastered at faking by now. "Well done Tae. You did well." Jungkook whispered into Taehyung's ear as he joined the rest of the group. As the manager left the choreographer spoke up, "Alright boys, today we will be practicing 'Fire'." 


After hours of practicing all of the boys were extremely tired. Jungkook and Jimin were sipping on their water while talking about new exercise routines they heard about, Namjoon and Seokjin were muttering about what to have for dinner while almost chugging their water with the bottle. Yoongi was resting on Hoseok's lap as Hoseok stroked his bangs out of his eyes and talked about some rapper he had been listening to and making sure both of them drank every couple of seconds. However, Taehyung had propped himself up against the mirrored walls and closed his eyes. Everyone assumed it was the toll of the fast and didn't bother questioning it.

Guys, I wanna do more than just die from dehydration. 

What do you mean?

Like I wanna go out with a bang.


Lock my bedroom door at night, have them break it down when morning comes to find me hung by the ceiling fan.

Swallow a load of sleeping pills and paracetamol and jump off a bridge or building with the whole world watching.

Slice my throat open and walk or crawl into where the other members are and see if they can save me in time, but not have them realize I still have the knife and stab myself in the chest. 

I mean we could do something like that.

That sounds really fun we should totally do one of those. Which one do you like best?

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