Part 20

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Chapter 20 (FINAL)


Panggg!!!! perit rasa pipi si Ab kena tampar si Hope.. krik krik mereka dua diam. Tajam mata Hope merenung Ab.

"I told you before Ab,you can let me go if you are not happy with me. I know i am not perfect. I can't make you fall in love with me like Angelin do. I am sorry that I love you I can't denied my feeling when its keep growing each days. But I don't want to force you..feel free to find your love but not Angelin. I don't like her so do mama and papa don't like her. Find another woman that suit to you. When the time is come just tell me. I will be ready to let you go."-Hope,berkaca2 sudah mata dia menahan air mata. No,she must be strong. Dear heart be strong. Lepas tu baru si Hope jalan. Bercucuran air mata si Hope jatuh ke pipi. This time betul2 dia tak boleh tahan sudah. Sakit sangat hati dia. Sakit lagi dari dicurangi oleh si Jon.

Si Abraham masih terkaku disana..dia terkejut dengar pengakuan si Hope. So she love me? All this time? How can I never know?Oh God..why you do this to me..lama si Ab termenung sana. Kemudian si Ed datang arah si Ab..dia tepuk bahu Ab...baru Ab sedar dari lamunan dia.

"Bro,do you love her too? Dont tell me,ask your heart. If you love her,fight for her.,if you still think she is your buddy or bestie or housemate..please let her go,she deserve to be happy too bro. But before that,please settle your bussiness with Angelin. Hope maybe seems so strong but she is fragile too. This is the 2nd time she sees all this. But i am glad she hit her,Angelin deserve that. I am proud of her cuz she fight for you."-Ed...

"Thanks bro..but kamu dua mahu kahwin sudah kan. Its too late for me. I had fall for her. But if she happy with you..then i am happy too. You are my bestfriend,I wont hurt you both. I will let her go if its you bro. I knew its too late already for me to confess to her. Now she must hate me so much for being jerk. I am sorry for all this mess."-Ab sambil mengeluh..
"What?? Siapa cakap kami dua mok kahwin?"-Ed blur dia sekejap..mana Ab dapat news nie??
"Angelin send me all photo both of you..i saw it bro. I understand if you and Hope being together. She deserve someone who loves her and someone who take care of her better than me."-Ab
"Angelin? And you believe it without asking me or Hope?? Abraham Rainer no wonder lah si Hope slap ko,if I were Hope I will aim your ball. Even no one in this world still Hope waiting for you. Me and Hope macam adik beradik sudah. Hope try to help me with my plan bha..aku nak lamar si Giselle..mok suprise dia"-Ed..dia garu kepala..malu pula dia sama si Ab
"Really? Jadi Angelin buat cerita lah tu. So aku ni kena tipu mantak2 lah oleh si Angelin. God I hurt si Hope so much. My fault sepatutnya aku tanya si Hope. Before I told her no secret between me and her and now  I am the one broke the rule”-Ab..lega hatinya juga.
'Aku masih waras lagi nih bro takdanya aku ni nak try bini ko yang ko sayangi tu,actually ko sudah fall for her. It’s just that ko yang tak realize pasal dia selalu ada disisi ko that’s why ko tak sedar actually you just cant live without her."-Ed
"Ohhh God..mati2 aku ingat korang dua...ahhh forget about that. Yeah maybe ko betul,I admit it. Aku patut pujuk dia ouh kesian si Hope..."-Ab
"Ehh..jap..ko settle masalah ko sama Angelin,nanti tak habis2 dia ganggu korang dua"-Ed
"Ahhh...ya..."keluh si Ab...Angelin lagi..

Si Ab masuk balik bilik tu..but this time si Ed sama Giselle ada sana Angelin duduk di katil sudah sambil pegang pipi dia..sakit kali kena penampar si Hope..

"Abbey,please forgive me..I menyesal tinggalkan you. I still love you. We start again please"-Angelin
"Angelin,listen here carefully..antara ko dan aku sudah tidak ada apa2.. I have no feeling towards you anymore even 0.0001%. We are done long time ago,the day you went away from my life. I hope you will understand this. Please stop begging me to come back to you and please stop disturb  me and Hope. I love her. I dont want to hurt her feeling. I think i had made it clear Angelin. And please reflect yourself. You are not getting younger. Get a life."-Ab

Si Angelin hanya menangsis saja sana lepas dengar apa yang Ab cakap. Menyesal enda kala dulu,dudi belama nya anang berumbam baban ngaga keputusan...tanpa menunggu Ab keluar,dia mesti kejar si Hope..hopefully Hope tak lari jauh.... he need to tell her that he love her too. Baru ko sedar Ab? Harap lah si Hope mahu terima ko ahh.


For the first time in my life I feel so down. Heart this time I don’t know what to do. I have done everything I can. Everything for him. But still he cant feel how deep my love is. I am not asking anything for return but a sincere love. I am tired fighting alone. God..please help me this time. I am done. Loving him hurting me so much. Sepanjang perjalanan  balik si Hope hanya menangis. Sampai di rumah dia hanya menukar pakaian  dan tidur. Dia begitu letih fizikal dan mental. Si Ab? Malas dia mahu peduli sudah. Kalau dia mahu sambung drama dengan Angelin..biarlah. Sakitnya tuh disini bila cinta kita hanya bertepuk sebelah tangan..


Sampai dirumah cepat2 dia masuk..pastu terus buka bilik si Hope..fuhhhh lega..Hope tak lari..dia tidur. Maybe dia letih setelah WWE tadi. Perlahan dia menapak arah Hope. She so cute oh...ada lebam dekat pipi and lips dia pun..ouhh kesian my baby...perlahan Ab usap bibir si Hope..Hope gerak sikit ..but then continue sleep.. si Ab baring sebelah Hope..dia hug Hope..feel calm..then he kiss her hair and head. I love you too Hope. Dont leave me. I am sorry I hurt you a lots. I am sorry for being a jerk to you. I will treat you well after this. I will give all my love to you. I will shower your days with happiness. I am sorry my dear… then Ab hug si Hope..he fall asleep with peace and love in mind. I am yours Hope.

Beutifull morning… 10 am

Morning bila Hope bangun ouhh sakit2 tuh badan dia..pelahan dia urut bahu dia.masuk bilik air berus gigi dan cuci muka.mandi ..baru dia jalan keluar bilik..belum sempat dia buka Ab muncul...then ada flower lagi dia pegang..terkejut Hope.. OOO tu mulut dia..apa kena si Ab ni pagi2 bagi bunga..but si Hope sambut jak..then Ab kiss dahi dia lama..then hug dia …blur2 si Hope

"Morning dear"-Ab
"Apa kena ko nih Ab..tiba2 berdear2 nih..."-Hope,pelik dia tiba2 si Ab buang tabiat,sweet semacam jak
"I am sorry Hope for everything. Start from now on I am all yours and start from today too I will call you can call me anything you want dear..."-Ab dia cubit lagi pipi si Hope.
"Are you okay Ab?.."Hope..blushing dia kena panggil dear. Baru malam tadi frust menongeng.
"DEar Hope.."panggil Ab...baru Hope mahu jawab..terus Ab kiss lips dia..lama..baru dia lepas..kaku si Hope.
"Umm rasa colgate. Come I have surprise for you."usik Ab.. kemudian dia Hope malu2 sudah...lepas tu si Ab kambai si Hope..dia bawa Hope keluar rumah...blur2 si Hope...sekali.... tadaaaaaaaaa......

Banyaknya bungaaa..........then si Ed muncul sambil senyum2 lagi tuh..dia bawa kad besar..

"Will You Marry Me Again Dear Hope"

Hope pandang si Ab blur...
Then si Giselle...

"Please say YES"
Speechless si Hope..

Then mama si Hope

"Just say Yes Hope"
Hope ketawa sudah....

Then papa Hope
"Lama jugaaaaa..just say Yes"

Malu sudah si Hope...kemudian dia angguk saja sama si Ab...Ab jerit2 then dia kiss dahi Hope..

Then mama Ab muncul...
"Please cepat2 make my Cucu"

Ketawa lagi si Hope...dia pukul bahu si Ab...blushing sudah pipi dia...

Lastly papa Ab ...

"Trust you heart and keep love each others Abraham Rainer and Hazel Hope"

Then baru mereka kumpul ramai2 di rumah Hope dan Ab dari tadi pegang tangan Hope macam tak mahu lepas tu...

"Dahla tu pegang2 malu bhaaaaa..."-Hope..
"No...i wont let you go this time dear. I have wasted a lots of time. And I will replace it by showering you with all my love. I love you Hazel Hope.."bisik Ab..

Hope senyum.berbunga2 hati dia..fuhh macam mahu guling2 kat padang hijau tu ahh
Finally...she found her happiness that she wish for. Fight for your love one.

"Love never fail...keep finding the right one...surely you will found it..."-wee

The End

thanks to all of you..for your time and support...
your comments and "F" means so much to me.
May all of us be blessed with lots of love..

Agape Ryn.

HopeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon