Taken part 2

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Mark was in a room, the walls and floor were stone and the door was metal, it was like he was in a prison cell, though it made sense since he was pretty much a prisoner. It was dark and cold, the only source of light was a small lamp.

Mark was sitting in a corner of the room away from the door, he was terrified, he had a terrible headache and he didn't know where he was.

He had no idea how long he was there, it probably wasn't that long but it was definitely longer then a few hours.

He tried to stand up, once he was standing he walked over to the door and tried to open it then frowned realizing it was locked. "Damnit.." he mumbled and walked back to his corner sitting down.

He couldn't remember what happened very well, he remembered running home then once he realized he lost Katherine he had attempted to look for her, then something hit him on the head and he woke up here in this room.

He groaned in pain remembering his current headache and then realized he was starving. He stood up and walked over to the door, he was glad that only his head hurt..for now at least.

He knocked on the door a little hoping someone would hear "hello? Anyone there?" He frowned.

After a few minutes of waiting he heard the door open, he man who looked around twenty walked in and looked at Mark.

The man had dark hair and blue eyes, he was wearing a white lab coat. He was wearing a surgical mask.

Mark shivered a little when he looked at the man, he was creepy and Mark wanted to ask him to leave but at the same time he was starving and he wanted food.

"Hey uh..do you think you could get me some food please? And..maybe tell me where I am.." Mark said and smiled shyly.

The man looked at him and was quiet for a few seconds. He narrowed his eyes slightly at Mark and walked up to him grabbing Mark's face and staring at him. The man was studying marks face, Mark felt a little creeped out since this man was just staring at him but he stayed quiet.

He was shocked when he felt something cut his cheek, he shoved the man away "ow!" He touched his cheek and realized it was bleeding, he also realized the man was holding a now bloody scalpel. "What the hell?!" Mark glared at him and scowled but before he could do anything the man ran out of the room.

Mark sighed and sat down, he wanted to know where he was, he wanted to know why he was here. He yawned and sighed, maybe it would be a good idea if he slept. He lay on the floor and sighed, it was incredibly uncomfortable but he would try to fall asleep even if he only slept for a few minutes.

Soon he did end up falling asleep, he slept for at least three hours before waking up again. He sat up and stretched, his back hurt and his neck also hurt a little. He sighed and stood up then noticed a plate of food in front of the door.

He grinned and grabbed the plate of food. He had an apple, a sandwich and a cup of water. He took a sip of his water glad he could finally have food, he took a bite of the apple. He looked around the room as he ate, this room would be hard to escape from especially since the only exit was the door, there wasn't even a window.

He stared at the door, it was quiet which was weird, usually if he was captured it was noisy but right now the only noise was his breathing, the quiet just made him more nervous though, he wanted to know what was going to happen to him.

He ate his food slowly since he wasn't sure how often they were going to feed him. He had no idea what was going to happen, he was extremely quiet trying to listen for people.

Suddenly he heard quiet voices from outside his room, they weren't right outside his room but they were nearby. He couldn't actually understand what they were saying but he knew they were there. He was leaning against the door trying to listen.

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