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(Okay I guess I'm a liar bc I had four more ideas after rereading the rp bc it appeared in my dms so here's a oneshot of them talking about their relationship bc when rereading I realized theres questionable parts of their relationship, not bad just..a little icky (like fighting a LOT) so here's them talking about it bc communication is important also tho I don't remember the time span of this rp forgive me)

"Hey mark?"

Mark looked over at Katherine when she spoke "what's up?"

"I was...thinking about the first month or two of our relationship..." she said and looked at him

They were now over two years into their relationship and still going strong, they still got constantly teased by their friends and everything had actually calmed down now, they rarely got into arguments and rarely were put in death situations, of course it still happened occasionally because of the fact most of their friend group was supernatural creatures but the last near death encounter they had was a month ago so in their minds it was fine.

"What about it?" Mark asked

"We uh...fought quite a few times in just two months...we also said things that were...icky" she said not knowing how else to explain it.

Mark remembered and he cringed, they were never mean to each other unless they fought, and yeah he could see why some things they've said to each other was icky, some of it sounded like they were forcing the other to not leave them.

"Yeah we were...but we haven't fought in awhile...what's the last fight we had?" He asked and looked at her.

"Me being mad at you for being reckless probably" Katherine snorted and looked at him "but seriously we need to talk about it..."

"I know so let's talk okay? First off that was over two years ago, we were dumb and knew nothing about relationships, you had never had a relationship and I had only been in one and it was shitty" Mark said.

Katherine nodded "I know but...I still feel bad..." she said.

"I feel bad too! Listen I'm in no way saying that that behavior was okay, we said borderline icky things and we fought way too much, we were insecure, stupid and constantly fighting to live okay?" Mark said and held Katherine's hand "but here's the thing. We made it through it, now we deal with death encounters maybe every few months which is a huge improvement from when we had them every week, we rarely fight because we've gotten better at communicating, and we know that if anything ever happens to the other...we shouldn't stop it from us living"

Katherine was quiet, "I mean...both of us were only 17 when we started dating...I still feel bad for the times it felt like I was forcing you to stay with me ya know? When I said things like "if you leave I'll die or whatever" it was gross or when both of us refused to move on if the other passed"

"Okay but I said that shit too so I get too feel bad as well, like you said both of us were 17, we were dealing with near death encounters every week! Like I said we were insecure and scared, we were also incredibly stupid, I can't even blame younger us for that stuff, and about us dying, if you die I'll try to move on, it'll be hard and I could never truly move on, but I'd continue living because I know it's what you'd want, you'd do the same right?" He asked.

"Of course! Like you said it's be hard to truly move on but...if me living my life would make you happy I'd do it"

Mark grinned "see?! An improvement of how we'd feel if the other passed" he said.

"Doesn't mean you're allowed to die though" Katherine smirked and poked his cheek.

"Same to you" he kissed her and smiled "but seriously the fact were talking about that stuff proves we've matured and improved and we realize that stuff wasn't okay okay? And we're still together aren't we? Maybe we've had bumps in our relationships but we wanted this to work so we fought to make it work" he said.

"I guess..but seriously if I ever made you feel forced into this relationship then I'm so sorry" she said.

"You never have, I mean it, I stayed in this relationship because I wanted to and I love you, and I'm sorry if I ever made you feel that way"

"You never did, even when we fought I wanted this, I'll never not want this relationship" she said and held his hands.

"Stop using double negatives it confuses me" he playfully stuck out his tongue and kissed her cheek.

Katherine rolled her eyes "your cute and I love you, and I'll always want you okay? Despite the rocky parts of our relationship I want you" she said.

"Me too...and listen like I said we were young and fighting for our lives, we were stressed constantly and scared and it's no excuse but it was a reason for that stuff, the fighting and the icky things we said" he said "as long as we realize there was bad in our relationship and we talk it'll work out okay? We're better now, we're stronger then we were" he said.

Katherine hummed and nodded "you're right" she hugged him close "I was sadistic as hell though, glad I grew out of that mostly" she said, she was never sadistic towards him, only those who tried to hurt him.

"I loved you despite it so I think that says a lot about me" he said and kissed her head "I'm glad we talked about this...we've grown a lot and I'm proud of our growth" he said, if he compared them now to the beginning of their relationship he definitely felt like they were stronger now.

"Yeah...I trust you so much you know that right? With my entire life and I'm sorry if I ever haven't or if you've felt like I don't" she mumbled but still said loud enough for him to hear.

"I believe you completely, I'm glad you trust me and I can't blame you if you didn't fully trust me at the beginning of our relationship" he said and hugged her tight.

"I'm glad we improved as people..." she said and looked at him.

"Me too" mark said and kissed her cheek.

"Sometimes though I wanna go back and smack younger me" she said and frowned causing mark to laugh.

"I'd definitely smack younger me if given a chance" mark said grinning.

Katherine laugher and kissed him "we've been through so much...we're pretty great" she giggled.

"Mm yeah but you're greater" Mark said with a smile

Katherine scoffed "we're not doing this" she said.

Mark just started laughing at that "seriously though, we may have argued and bickered at the beginning of our relationship but I still loved you, I wanted to it to work so I never gave up on you or us, and now we're here, we don't bicker as often, we communicate better and we're still annoyingly in love" he said and kissed her.

"Me too...I really love you and I'm glad we made it through the rough parts of our relationship" she said and kissed him.

Mark smiled at her, he hugged her close and kissed her happily "we'll always make it through the rough parts okay? Always" he said.

"Of course we will, I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm not leaving and you can't get rid of me no matter how hard you try" she said as she brushed her fingers through his hair.

"Good, I'll never try to get rid of you and I'll only leave if you want me to" he said and looked at her.

"Then I guess we're stuck together forever" she laughed and kissed his cheek.

"Guess we are and I'm okay with that" he said.

"Good because so am I" she said and kissed him lovingly.

(A/N: communication is,,,beautiful. Also I absolutely adore this rp obviously so pls don't take this as me criticizing the rp or my friends character, I was a dumb 16 year old when we did this rp and idk how old they were? What I'm trying to say is I was a edgy child and some stuff I made my character say and do was icky and I'm sorry so I wanted to make a chapter where they talk about it)

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