Chapter 8

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*Alexis's POV*

We found our seats, and I was siting at the end with Zoey on my left. She had a girl named Dakota Reglores on her left. We actually got to know Dakota and she is out friend now! "WHEN YA MEET A DIRECTIONER, YA GET A NEW SISTER" is what Zoey screamed out at us. I personally like the 5SOS fandom better, but the 1D fandom is slowly taking over the world.

Like seriously. They have the 1D fandom, 5SOS fandom, and slowly getting the Little Mix fandom. Me and Zoey are part of a HUGE fandom over here.

I look over at Dakota and see she has earbuds in while listening to music. And shes dancing like someone thats high.

Then, Zoey joins in. .So my 2 friends are dancing like they're high on drugs. And we're drawing attention. Why not join them and look like 3 stupid girls?

Then there was 3 of us dancing like we're high. The issues we have. We must be famous or some cray-cray thing because I could see all 9 boys with their phones out recording. I laughed but continued dancing like an idiot.

Then I nudge Zoey to show her and I think she noticed. But then a major detail hit me.

Dakota doesn't know how close we are to the boys.

Dang I stress out my brain and think too much.

I stopped dancing and leaned over to Zoey.

"Hey. Dakota doesn't know how close we are to the boys. Should we tell her after the concert?" I ask nervously.

"Sure. Unless she finds out before-hand." she replies back calmly like nothing bad will happen.

I have a strong feeling she's wrong. Something bad WILL happen. I can feel it in my thighs. Yes, I feel weird things in my thighs. Not my feet, hands, stomach, or even boobs. Nope. Not Alexis Walton. I feel it in my thighs.

I look back over to the stage right as the lights go out in the arena. Shows bout to begin!

I scream loudly with the other girls as 5SOS comes out. They sing all the songs they have out. I'm singing along, while Zoey's recording, and Dakotas. Just sitting there with nothing. The boys leave the stage and 1D are about to come on.

I lean over Zoey and nudge Dakota. She stirs then wakes up.

"Whad I miss?" she slurs sleepily.

"Only 5SOS performing. Otherwise nothing else" Zoey says back, startled that Dakota didn't see or hear that!

"Dang it! I missed them! Why didn't you guys tell me?" she replies back angrily.

"Well one, I just noticed you were sleeping. I personally thought you knew this was happening. Two, how on EARTH did you sleep through that noise?" I question back.

"I'm deaf. I wear hearing aids when I need them. Well that sucks. Eh. At least I can see 1D perform. Did you at least record them?" Dakota asks more towards Zoey, who had her phone out.

"Yep. Ain't gotta worry bout that. Here. Put your number in my phone and I'll text you the video. Good quality personally." Zoey says, passing the phone over.

"Ok. So make a new contact correct?" Dakota asks.

"Yep. Then I'll text you the video" Zoey answers.

"Ok. Woah you have a lot of contacts. Even the boys of 1D? And 5SOS? Are these fake or real numbers?" Dakota asks.

"Real?" I mumble out, kinda in a question.

"Real? Are you sure? The numbers they post aren't really real ya know" Dakota wonders back.

"No shes right. They are real. We got stuck with the boys for three hours at the meet and greet. Power outage. An we all swapped numbers?" Zoey puts out.

"So you know all 9 boys, correct?" Dakota asks.

"Yea. And they know us. Matter of fact, they are standing right around thy corner, watching us" I say pointing at the boys.

I watch as the boys freeze when Dakota spots them and her eyes bulge out of her head.

A/N: Ok so this chapter SUCKED!! And some people could wonder "Where did Dakota come from?" Well, she is my other friend that wanted to be apart of the story. I still need more character, so leave a name you want to be used by and who you would like to date. The boys still open are:Calum, Michael, and Harry. OMFG thats not a lot. I thought there would be more... I guess I can't plan things well. JEEZ THIS IS A LONG AUTHORS NOTE!!! Anyways, <3

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