Chapter 6

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"Star! Heads up!" She blinked before catching the mug with a confused expression. Who was the small girl running around the shop throwing mugs?

She sat down the mug with a soft noise and dodged Touka flying out the doors with coffee beans. Her eyes wide as she found herself barely dodging the little girl once more. Star knew it was busy and that the small brown haired girl was probably not helping. Judging from Touka's deeply arched brow and Kaneki's bright red face, Star did not have time to ask any questions.

"Your coffee sucks! You need to do better! You're putting us behind!" Star sighed and picked up an apron, hoping to help relieve some of the stress. She knew she hated dealing with people but anything was better than Touka being stressed and Kaneki being... Well, Kaneki.

"Where's your customer service face Touka? You can't yell at him while there's a little girl playing hot potato with the mugs." Star spoke in her soft monotone while slipping the sheets of small notebook paper from Touka's pale hands and ignore the glare that was surely heading her way.

"Don't tell me what to do, Star!" She pointed with a fuss before turning back to the brunette customer in front of her. "I'm so sorry your coffee did not taste very good, we'll have a replacement in a moment."

Star listened to the stark changes in tone with a small quiet laugh to herself and stiffened as she felt eyes on her. Her crimson eyes cut harshly to her right and fell on an even more flushed Kaneki. His gaze suddenly turned to the porcelain he was drying in his hand and Star rolled her eyes before focusing on the coffees she was making.

Her space was suddenly invaded when Touka came beside her to grab one of the fresh mugs Star had made. She hummed at the fact the color seemed a lot more accurate compared to Kaneki's where you could still see the grounds floating.

"Thanks for helping... It better taste good." Star was shocked for a moment but felt amused at the second part. She knew a compliment from Touka came with a price and expected it.

"If it does not, I'll leave you and Kaneki to it." Star mumbled back and watched the indigo haired girl roll her eyes in response.

Star continued to pour coffee and added the additions made on the papers before her. Being sure to slip the paper under the mug of what she had already made and not risk confusing herself. She could not help but to feel a small moment of calm inside, even though everything outside of her vision seemed chaotic in the coffee shop. The silence in her mind that she had not relished in for so long felt soothing. For a moment, she felt normal.

For a moment, she was just some girl working in a coffee shop and pouring some mugs of the caffeinated beverage. For a moment, she was at complete ease. She tried to take it all in and celebrate it quietly. She hoped that she could obtain the memory and keep it for another moment forever longer. After so much that has struck her these last months, she cherished this moment.

"Hey Star?" The soft voice interrupted her silence and caused her to knock the cup on the counter over. Her soul jumped ten feet from her body at the sudden burning sensation on her hand and she frowned in annoyance. Sighing, she wiped away the beverage and looked at the cause of the interruption impassively. It took her a few moments to take in the panicked apologies that came from Kaneki who seemed completely frantic over the very small inconvenience.

"Please shut up Kaneki. It is fine." Star was seconds from shouting at him to quiet his apologies and he only continued. Between burning her hand and his non stop speaking, her irritation was growing.

"But your hand is red and I should have been more careful while you were pouring such hot things! I am so-."

Her crimson eyes rolled as she grabbed him by the shoulders and felt the aggravation creeping up her chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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