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lancelot created a chatroom; the universe is doomed
lancelot added pidgeon
pidgeon added spacedad
spacedad added kogayne
kogayne added hunky

Lancelot: aye

Pidgeon: yay teamwork

Kogayne: We forgot Y/n.

Lancelot: oh shit

Spacedad: Lance.

lancelot added y/nthegreat

Lancelot: there

Pidgeon: ayyy

Y/nthegreat: ayyyy

Kogayne: Who put space goo in my boots?

Y/nthegreat: wait

Y/nthegreat: he actually did that???

Kogayne: Whoever it is, yes.

Y/nthegreat: omfg

Y/nthegreat: i am s h o o k

Lancelot:  oh my

Lancelot: what a tragedy

Kogayne: Lance! It was you, wasn't it?

Lancelot: what??? no, i'd never do that!!

Kogayne: McClain, I swear to god.

Hunky: guys, stop fighting!! :(

Hunky: ...please?

Y/nthegreat: poor hunk

Pidgeon: got dragged into this

Y/nthegreat: oh woe is hunk

Hunky: uh, thanks?

Y/nthegreat: hunk deserves a protection squad

Pidgeon: count me in

Lancelot: me as well

Y/nthegreat: lance! why did you disappear??

Lancelot: keith came in my room and threw space goo in my beautiful face

Lancelot: now my poor skin care routine is rUINED

Y/nthegreat: oml I need to see this

Y/nthegreat: im coming to visit

Lancelot: no! nobody can see me like this!

Y/nthegreat: Photo file attached:open to view-viewed by all.

Lancelot: I hate you, Y/n.

Y/nthegreat: guYS

Pidgeon: WHAT

Y/nthegreat: lance just used proper grammar and im nOT OKAY WITH THIS

Pidgeon: ew lance wtf

Spacedad: Language.

Y/nthegreat: is shiro just gonna pop up everytime someone cusses now??

Pidgeon: apparently

Lancelot: apparently

Y/nthegreat: nice

Kogayne: I'm back. After having to wash my boots.

Y/nthegreat: keith is so salty oml

Pidgeon: ya keith chill man

Kogayne: I'll be as salty as I want.

Y/nthegreat: oh

Pidgeon: whoops

Kogayne: What?

Y/nthegreat: i wouldn't rat pidge out but she gave me some nice content of a rlly salty cat washing his boots

Kogayne: Pidge.

Pidgeon: sorry i couldn't resist the urge

Y/nthegreat: this chatroom is a blessing


Chatroom: is klance canon yet??

Pidgeon: i just found lance's diary

Hunky:  omg

Y/nthegreat: im coming to the lab rn

Pidgeon: you better

Hunky: i would but im busy eating :)

Pidgeon: i hope theres some spicy klance content in this

Y/nthegreat: im hereeee

Pidgeon: welcome to my dungeon


Allurathealluring: Y/n, come to the dining room.

Y/nthegreat: k mom


Chatroom: the universe is doomed

Y/nthegreat: hey lance, nice diary

Lancelot: oh fuckin hell no

Spacedad: Lance, watch your mouth.

Lancelot: k dad

Y/nthegreat: so. what did yoou say about keith again??

Lancelot:  i hate you sm

Pidgeon: im also curious about that keith part

Lancelot: it had to be pidge.

Y/nthegreat: petty lance is my spirit animal

Lancelot: i am triggerED

Pidgeon: whoops

Y/nthegreat: whoops


I love riting this kinda stuff dfyfjgy
Tell me if you want more!!
I die for chatrom chapters whoops

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