Chapter 9

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You sat cross stabilizered before the growth of plants you had seen when you joined the team. Your wings were relaxed as you watched the plant. The small flowers were dying now their delicate petals draining of all color and shriveling into nothing. The vines still retained their dark green hue, planet life was intriguing here. You felt a servo on your shoulder plate and looked over to see Bumblebee.

"Yes Bee?" You asked politely

"OP said we need to patrol." He responded, "It will be much more interesting than staring at a wall all solarcycle."

You shrugged and rose to your pedes. He was a head or two shorter than you not that you minded. He lead you out of the base which he promptly transformed as soon as he stepped out the door. He was already speeding off when you took off after him transforming midair.

":;Is it fine if I fly high, or would you prefer me to do something off?;:" you asked over comms as you kept place above him

":;Done whatever, just try to keep up with the fastest thing on wheels!:;" he replied increasing speed

You would have rolled your optics at him if you were in boy mode. You began to ascend higher into the blue sky. You sliced through a cloud condensation slapping against the glass your cock pit. You kept a sensor on the fast moving yellow bot below you. You weaved around buildings. The fleshys in the upper levels of these buildings pressed their bodies to the glass you flew passed. Humans are so weird.

":; You see anything down there?;:" you asked keeping your other sensors on the sky around you

":;Besides the angry humans nothing.;:" Came Bee's reply, ":;Where are you anyway?;:"

":;Look up.:;" you stated

":;WHAT!? HOW ARE YOU KEEPING UP WITH ME!?;;" Bee screeched

":;...Think about what you just asked. You asked why a fighter jet can keep up with a car. Does that not click?;:" you asked sarcastically

All Bee did was grumble over the comms and cut it off. The rest of the patrol went on in silence. Your thoughts being kept at bay with the task at servo. You keep pace with the young mech in the ground staying just below the cloud line. Currently heading back to base.

Bee transformed at the door and you landed with a thump behind him. He looked back at you and you offered him a small smile. You followed him in your wings dropping slightly to not hit the door frame. You walked to the main hanger and immediately you got a harsh glare from Ratchet which you promptly ignored. Optimus approached you.

"Hello Prime." You nodded

"So how was your patrol." He asked you could see a very faint pink forming on his faceplate

"It was fine. Nice to finally get out and stretch my wings." You replied stretching your arms above your helm, "How were things here?"

"So so." The Prime replied tilting his servo from side to side, "Was Bee an ok bit to patrol with?"

You shrugged, "He wasn't bad, but he was shocked when he found out a fighter jet could keep pace with him." You said with a slight chuckle

"Heh, that's Bumblebee for ya." The Prime spoke with a soft chuckle, "Did you see anything out of the ordinary?"

"What's the definition of 'ordinary' on this planet? Cause the buildings I flew passed the organics inside seemed like it was the first time ever seeing a fighter jet!" You laughed placing a servo on your hip

"Heh. It might have been their first time seeing a fighter jet, not many fleshys get to see a jet everyday." The Prime explained

You nodded, "So... Fly above the cloud line then?"

"It doesn't matter really as long as you're not flying low enough to cause possible damage to the humans or what they built." Prime said

You nodded, "Anything that needs to be done around here?"

The Prime shook his helm, "No I don't believe so. I'm gonna go for a drive, would you like to come?"

You were slightly taken aback by his question but simply nodded, "It would be a pleasure."

The Prime's face grew more red as you spoke. Frag he was too cute. Oooh his little fins! Ahhh! Your only weakness! Cute mechs! Your spark felt as though it would implode in on itself if you watched this mech for any longer. Or even stood near him.

"Then let's go." He said walking towards the door

You vented and followed him out. He was more polite than Bumblebee and was waiting for you outside. You couldn't help smile at the quiet rumble of his engine.

"You go I'll follow." You said waving him off

He honked once then drove off. You transformed soon after and followed him. Looks like your heading away from the city. That will be nice.

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