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Wendy POV
I was sitting with tink while we had some girl time
It was nice to have another girl on the island to chat with
We had been talking for a while
"You know you been  makeing pan better" tink said
"What do you mean by that"
I said
"Before you got here pan was getting alot more rude and demanding like he starting to be evil  "

I couldn't believe that the boy who showed me so much kindness would be evil
"There's this evil inside Pan , he used to be really kind and a really nice person but in the past couple months before you came he started changing sometimes i feel like he'll just kill me"

"I don't believe it "
I said

"Believe it , good your here , your a light in his dark heart , hopefully the darkness doesn't break through then were all doomed "

"I just don't understand how someone so kind be evil on the inside"
I said

" to be honest with you I think it's the shadow , that is making him this way , the shadow can make you do some horrid things "
Tink said

" but isn't it Peters shadow "
I said
" No  the shadow was here long before pan , it made pan who he is "
Tink said
"Come with me"
Tink said
We made our way to a little cellar , it was full of shelves filled with jars of liquids and dusts , and some even with plants , and then she had a shelf full of food , tink then went to one of the shelves and moved it and behind it was a small little whole in the wall,
Tink reached into it and pulled a small vile of a dark black liquid

" it's squid ink"
Said tink
" it can do many things but one is that it can paralyze any magical being when it touches it ,I've been keeping it for a rainy day ,I think you should have it "
Tink said with certainty

" me why?"

" your close to Pan and if this grlwing darkness consumes his good soul youll need it "
Said tink
" all you need is to poor it on something he grab , and when he grabs it he 'll get paralyzed enough time for you to escape"

I wasn't certain if I should keep it bit if the things tink said was true I would need it

"Promise me you'll keep it safe and hidden " tink said

" I promise "

Peter POV

Since Wendy came I felt different,  better
But constantly feel like I'm fighting
I have these dark thoughts horrible things I want to do to people
I wanted to kill that pirate so bad and just let Wendy fall
But I couldn't when I think about her it's like her Light let's the darkness go away
But I'm still going to need the heart of the truest believer but ever since the beginning of the search I have been trying to find a way to save the truest believer
But lately I have been not caring

As I was deep in my thoughts I saw Wendy walk into the camp , she was beautiful and strong
Life on neverland had always been boring till she got here

It was later that night everyone was  asleep
I was too busy trying to make some arrows until I heard screaming coming from Wendy's tent
I ran over there
She was having a night mare
"Leave !!!ahh leave me alone!!"
She screamed
You could hear the fear in her voice
"Ahhh let me goo!!"
I tried to wake her up 
" Darling it's just a dream , it's just a dream" I told her

She woke up slowly and started to calm down
"Peter what are you doing here "
She said calmly
"You were screaming darling"

"I was having night mare, that I never fell off the cliff and you never got up and the pirate tried to take me "
She said
" your alright now , it's only a dream , I'm here for you"
As I rubbed her cheek
"Your here " she said in a tired tone

As I was about to walk out
" Peter "
" Yes darling "

" will you stay with me until I fall asleep"
She asked me
"Of course "
I replied

She turned and I played next to her
She was calm now
There was nothing but quiet
I quickly fell asleep

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