I Believe in you

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I couldn't help but feel guilty on what happen to bae
My brothers were crying on what happen to bae
But they had to be quiet on what had happened
So I decided I need to save bae
It had been 1 night but
I knew time worked differently in neverland so I need to get there quickly
Bae is probably scared
I called for my brothers
"Yes Wendy "
They replied sitting on the bed
" I'm going to go after bae "
I said
"What no , we can't lose you too"
Said John
" I have to go get him , I'll talk to Peter and bring him right back"
I replied
" you promise "
Said Michael
In his sad little voice
" I promise "
I told them
I then gave them a hug
My parents had tucked us in and wished us goodnight
Then it was time to go
" be careful out there"
Said John
" I will"
Micheal then gave me a big hug the John joined in
" it's time for bed , go on , I'll be back as soon as I can"
They then laid in their beds and drifted off to sleep
I then called for the shadow
Once the shadow came
I grabbed it's hand and before I left I looked at my brothers drifting off to sleep

Once I got to the island
The shadow dropped me off on the sand and left rather quickly
I then walked towards the woods
And I heard something in the woods
Then I turned around and saw

" Wendy your back"
He said surprised
" of course , I'm here to get back my friend "
I replied
" your friend?"
He said
" Peter the shadow took my friend , bae and I need to get him back"
I said
" well I don't remember  no bae but I'll check  "
He said
" thank you I said"

He then went towards me and hugged me
" I missed you alot "
He said
" I missed you too "
I said hugging him tighter
" come on I want to show you something "
He then grabbed my hand and started running
I wanted to question him on why Felix said what he said
About Peter not wanting me anymore
But when I saw him with those
Hypnotizing green eyes
It left my mind

I loved running through the woods with him
Not knowing where he was taking me
It was part of the fun , the adventure , I wanted

I was with him
Holding his hand
All I wanted to be with him
He then stopped
And started to move these leaves and branches blocking us
With one hand
Still holding mine

Then what appeared was a cliff one I had never seen before
Not like the one
We were at when the pirate tried to kill us
But a beatiful one
Grass still on the floor
And with a beatiful view of the ocean
Skull rock
And the moon , the moon was also reflecting on the water
Their was a big rock just about 2 feet from us
I gazed at the ocean in amazement
I then looked at Peter
He was smiling at me
He then grabbed my hand and we sat on the rock
Watching the sea and the moon
It was such a beatiful right you would have been able to sit their forever

I then layed my head on Peters shoulder
He put his arm around me
I was their
All the stress , I had for bae
And sadness on felix' s words were gone
I was there safe in his words

" I love you "
Came from his mouth
I then turned to him
He put his hand on my face
" you are incredibly beatiful , with an amazing soul , since the day I met you I knew you were for me "
He then said
I looked at him
" I love you too "
I didn't know why he was saying all this now
But I felt like after me being gone
And us being here
Made him say everything he wanted
" we may be from 2 different worlds but your everything I ever needed "
" I have been here forever , and  I had never found anyone who had so much love and belief in their heart "
He said
" you believe people can do anything , and you believe you can do anything , that's what I love about you"

"I believe in you Peter "

He kissed me

We then got up and started walking to the camp
" Peter,  I came here a little bit ago,  and Felix told me you didn't want me anymore"
I said
I needed an answer about this
Why Felix his closest friend tell me this
" is that true ?"
We had arrived at the camp
He grabbed my hand and took me to my old tent

"Wendy , what Felix told you , I said that but it wasn't true "
He said
As I sat on the bed
There was something wrong I could tell
" wha-what do you mean"
I replied
" I haven't told you everything "
He said
Then he turned not facing me
" you can tell me anything "
He then turned around back to me
And the caring loving eyes he had changed
They only had hatred and evil in his heart
" you know what you don't need to know anything "

He then grabbed me by the arms and started pulling me somewhere
I yelled

"Get the cage !"
He yelled at one of the lost boys
" I thought you were going to help me find bae "
I yelled
" I lied"
He said
This wasn't the Peter I knew and loved

He then pushed me into a small cage

He then turned and started to walk away letting the lost boys do all the work

As the lost boys were trying to hold me
I yelled
" Did you ever truly love me!"

The then turned his head

" Lock her up"
He yelled
Then The lost boys were successful in putting me in the cage

In that moment my heart shattered

I loved him and I lost him

Peter POV

In that moment the darkness took over me
I lost Wendy

I lost Myself

I lost it all

Authors note:
Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the chapter
I really worked hard writing this chapter
Also I liked to tell you when I write my stories
I like to listen to music
You guys don't understand how much I love music I can't even explain , and the songs I listen to influence mostly how the chapter or story goes
And I put some song lyrics in this chapter
So the songs I pulled lyrics from were
Hurts like hell by Fleurie
Runnin(lose it all) by Beyonce and naughty boy
Those are amazing songs you guys should check them put
Also I will be writing the next Peter pan and Wendy story today so it will be up to read either tonight or tomorrow
Love y'all byee

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