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It had been about a week since the shadow brought us home
Things haven't changed much
Oh well I had turned 16
I guess it's something to feel excited about but I wasn't I missed Peter

My mother and father were having a party for my father and his work colleagues
I had heard nana barking and growling
She never did such things
Unless there was something there
It scared me but I brought my lost girl out and got a statue that was on the shelf
There was a boy looked quite dirty about the same age as me
He was hungry
I let him stay at in the space in our room
I snuck him food everytime I could
Then my parents caught me trying to give him food

" the streets are no place for a boy you will stay right here"
My father seemed quite surprised
But bae is now apart of our family
I was really happy
I had been missing Peter alot lately
Ever since I met bae , he made me think of Peter

So that night I was going to sit by my window and wait for the shadow
" I believe "
" what are you doing "
I told bae about the shadow and neverland yet he didn't seem excited or happy to hear about it
"If that shadow comes back you promise me  you won't go anywhere near it"
I promised bae but I missed Peter to much
I sat at the window
" I believe "

Bae had woken up and begged me not to go

The shadow grabbed my hand and took me to neverland
I had heard bae's screams for me
But I was happy to see Peter
I landed on the beach
I made my way towards the woods
It was night time , I started to hear this weird screams and cries
It sounded horrible
And I saw a man
And I knew who it was
" Felix!" I yelled

" Wendy you shouldn't have come back here" he said
" wha what's that noise"
" the boys cries , they want to go home"

" but why can't they "
" the shadow won't let them"
Felix said

" but Peter will won't he "
Felix nodded his head it worried me

" I want to see Peter " I said

" he dosent want you "
He said in a serious tone
When he said that it hurt me a little bit

But I wasn't buying it

"Wendy go home , bring back one of your brothers maybe "

" wha - what no , why them "

" they could prove useful "

This was a side I never saw Felix it was kinda scary

"John and Michael aren't the truest believer if that's what your thinking "
I yelled
" no no no Wendy,  we could use them for something"

"You will not take my brother "
I grew angry
" whatever the shadow will take them"

" no what , I want to speak to Peter "
I said
" he dosent want you anymore "
He said as he turned and walked away
I tried to chase after him
But the something grabbed my hand
It was the shadow taking me back

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