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Abby's P.O.V

"Mason wake up I made breakfast" I shook him as a small groan escaped his throat

"I don't wanna get up"

"But I made you breakfast in bed" I waved some bacon in front of his nose then his eyes open "Yeah yummy.."

"Stop that I'm not a dog" Mason rolled his eyes and groaned dramatically

"I know it's just fun teasing you" I poke his cheek as he pulled me down underneath him and kissed me

Today is our two month anniversary that's why I made him breakfast in bed and it's literally all over the bed now. Thanks a lot Jackass.

I pull away and look around the bed "Mason look what you did. You're cleaning all this up"

"Awe come on babe show me some sympathy" he begged me with his cute puppy dog eyes

"Yeah okay but you're still cleaning it up"

"Yeah yeah fine" Mason smirked "Only if you take a shower with me"

"Uh yeah sure in your dreams" I patted his head and get up from the bed wiping away some of the food on my clothes

"Awe don't be that way"

"Maybe later but right now I'm gonna take a shower while you clean everything up" I hiss and walk to my dresser then pulled out some basket ball shorts and one of my lazy day crop tops and head to the bathroom


Mason's P.O.V

I watch her gorgeous self walk into the bathroom as I'm stuck here on cleaning duty. It's not my fault she looked beautiful in my shirt. When I finish cleaning up I put new sheets on the bed and looked at the bathroom door "She's gonna be so mad at me"

I walk up to the door and open it slightly while peeking in seeing her under the water rinsing the shampoo from her hair. This is so bad but I can't help it. I've always wanted to shower with her but she pushes me away. And I get that she's not ready yet but I mean we've seen each other naked before why would this be any different? Don't get me wrong I do respect her boundaries and this is the first time I've even thought about doing this

I slyly walked in shutting the door behind me and slowly stripped my clothes and got in behind her then quickly grabbed her hips and kissed her wet naked shoulder

"M-Mason get out now" Abby jumped from me scaring her

"Come on Abby we see each other naked almost everyday what's so different about the shower?"

"You See me naked with less light on me. There's more light and you can see me better" She glanced back at me keeping her front side facing the wall

"Don't be so shy I already told you that you are beautiful. Besides I'm not gonna do anything just let me wash you" I put the liquid soap on a spongy and begin rubbing it over his back

"Fine just this once got it?"

"Yes I understand" I kiss her cheek and make my way around her body as she shivers to my every touch

"H-Hurry up already"

"You can rinse off now" I hand her the spongy and I wash my hair and body as she rinsed herself off


"Come on we'll be late for school Mason" I run down the stairs and grab my stuff for school

"Ugh I don't want to go"

"Okay well you stay and I'll go" I smirked and walked up to him "I have a science project today I can't miss it"

"Ugh fine fine I'll go" Mason rolled his eyes and pecked my lips "Let's a t least eat first.. I'll make you my famous omelettes"

I nodded quickly and beamed "Yes please they are so good" I stuff my things in my bag and out extra clothes in for gym cause the coach gets mad 'If we don't have extra clothes to change into'

I walk into the kitchen and sat on the counter then to watch him cook. I'm glad he knows how to cook cause the last time I tried to cook something I burnt it and there was so much smoke it made the firefighters come to my house to turn the fire alarm off. That was kind of embarrassing. Then I had to make up this lie the next day so people didn't find out that I burnt the food. Take my advice and learn how to cook

"Here you are. One omelette just the way you like it" Mason hands me the plate. I love to have cheese and peppers, onions, ham and mushrooms. It's so good.

"Thank you" I take it and begin stuffing my face with all the different flavors exploding in my mouth "Mm thank you this is so good"

"Anything for you sweet cheeks" He begin eating his as I rolled my eyes. He knows I hate that nickname but he calls me that anyways

I walk over and turn the news on to see what stupid shit is happening in this dumb world.

Helicopter crash in Afghanistan from troop 295 Alpha Fire. Three soldiers dead and five badly injured. We don't have the names of the soldiers yet but we will get back to you when you have more information.

I feel my heart sink when I hear that. That's my dads troop. Oh God I hope he's okay and wasn't on that helicopter. No don't think like that he's fine he'll call after school like he always does

"Abby isn't that your dads troop?" Mason walked over to me bringing me out of thought

"Y-Yeah.. He's only been gone for a month he can't.. He can't be hurt o-or dead. I won't believe that he was in that" I tear up then turn around and cry into Mason's chest

"Just think positive I'm sure he wasn't in that. I hope he wasn't" He rubs my back to comfort me which works cause I feel my body relax

My dad is the only family I have left. I've never met my grandma or grandpa because they died a few months after I was born and my dads parent died when he was seventeen. Now my mom isn't here for me to talk to or have girl talk with and now my dad might be possibly dead or severely injured. I can't lose him I just can't I will be completely broken.

"Hey listen to me okay. Let's go to school and focus on passing your test. Hang out and talk with friends. You need to distract yourself or all you are gonna think of is bad things" Mason kissed my forehead and smiled at me. He really knows how to calm me down

"Yeah you're right let's go. I don't wanna think about this. I have a science project today ace" I fake a huge smile and walked to the living room grab our things as he cleaned up the kitchen

"Kay are you ready?" Mason grabs my hand and kissed it as I nod slowly "Let's go then"

He leads me out to the car and opens the passenger door for me. I get in and buckle myself up as he shuts the door and runs to the other side getting in next to me "Let's go to hell then" we both laugh as he cranks the car up and backs out the drive way then heads down the street to the school



Thanks guys for reading and voting for my story. Let me know if you liked this chapter. I'm trying my best to make this story to your liking. Let me know what you think the next chapter might be about 😝😉 sorry for some spelling errors and enjoy the rest of your day.

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