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Abby's P.O.V

He pulls the chair out for me and I sit down while still being flustered from what happened earlier. "Thank you everything looks amazing"

I smile up at him then watch him as he sits a cross from me "Of course" I want him so bad but I can't let myself lose control like that again. I glance at him while taking a bite of the spaghetti he made

"Mason this is good. Is it homemade?"

"Yeah I had some help from my cook in making it but yeah it's homemade. I'm glad you like it" He smiles widely showing his white perfect teeth. Everything about him is perfect

I nod in approval and continue eating "So um what h-happened up in your room. I'm sorry about it"

"No no it was my fault I was the one that looked and kissed you first" He blushed. Woah I made him blush that's so cute. Damn it Abby shut up

"Y-Yeah well I didn't stop it when I was going to I just kissed you back" My breath gets shallow, and I can't take my eyes off him

Mason gives me a wicked grin, the effects of which travel all the way down there "Yeah well I mean I'm not complaining. It was a good kiss"

I blush intensely to his words and lightly bite my bottom lip while moving the spaghetti around with my fork "Yeah"

"Keep biting your lip and it's gonna be more than a kiss babe" He chuckled and cut into one of the meatballs on his plate

I covered my mouth and then stand up "Um thanks for the lunch but I really thank I should go"

"Please stay with me" He grabbed my hand and I swallow, my mouth suddenly dry.

"I don't think... Well I uh.. Sure" I sit down and his smile is triumphant

"How about you just go up to my room and take a shower and I'll clean up the food" He stands up and begins cleaning up the mess

"Uh y-yeah sure" I brush pass him while quickly kissing his cheek then walked upstairs to take a shower

"I can't believe I said I would stay with him and that quick peck on the cheek God I'm so stupid" I undress myself and use his shampoo and his axe body wash "No wonder why he smells so good" As I finish up I turn the water off and dry myself off then wrapped the towel around myself and walk out into his walk in closet then grabbed another one of Mason's buttoned up shirts and slip it on. Luckily it was long enough to cover the goods.

"You look great in my clothes" Mason leans up against the door frame while crossing his arms and stared into my eyes like he's looking into my soul

I gasp quietly and blushed "H-How long have you been standing there? Did you see.. Anything?"

"Don't worry I just got here"

"Okay good" I sigh in relief and walked past him to sit on the edge of his bed "Um I hope you don't mind that I borrow the shirt since my clothes are all wet"

"I never said anything against it did I babe?" Mason strolls slowly toward me and my heart begins to pound

"N-No I just thought I would-" My breathing increased the moment he bent down and caressed my chin.

He stands in front of me, staring into my eyes. He's so freaking hot. "Don't push me away this time" he lightly pushes me down onto the bed and pressed his lips against mine. His lips are demanding, firm and slow, molding mine

Mason starts unbuttoning my shirt while he placed soft feather liked kisses across my chin and the corners of my mouth "M-Mason I-I don't think we should be doing this. We barely just gotten to know each other" My head tells me that but my heart says differently. But what if he just wants sex from me and once I give it to him he'll leave

"Be mine?" He looks at me with that cocky grin of his "I don't want anyone else but you and I know we've only know each other for about three weeks now but you're it for me"

His hand makes it up to my hair and grasps it while I gripped his upper arms, I feel his biceps he so fit and muscular. I cupped the back of his head and pulled him down to meet my lips.

I tug gently on his hair making him groan. His hair is so soft. His hands glide slowly down my backside, to my thighs. I moan softly into his mouth while he unbuttons my shirt all the way, exposing me and I cover my face with my hands in embarrassment

"Don't hide Abby. You are beautiful" Mason moved my hands and without breaking eye contact he trails his fingertips down my chest, around my breasts and down to my stomach over my waist stopping at the lace of my panties

"I'm a virgin" I blurt out

"I guess I'll just have to fix that but I'll be gentle" He pulls my panties off then grabs a condom from his night stand. He gazes down at me, a satisfied smile on his face

I clench the sheets on the bed and watch him closely

***Its gonna get 'spicy' so if you don't want to read it then stop reading now***

Pulling off his boxer briefs, his erection springs free he opens the condom and pulls it over his length. His hands on either side of my head, so he's hovering over me. I look down and turn red "J-Just hurry up already" I squirmed. Did that really just come out of my mouth?

He chuckles then grabs his length and pushed into me gently while moving a bit faster with each thrust. I feel a weird pinching sensation deep inside me as he rips through my virginity.

Picking up speed I moan, and he pounds on, and I keep up, meeting his thrusts "Ah M-Mason" he leans down and kissed me shoving his tongue in my mouth while I swirl my tongue around his.

I start to stiffen as he thrusts on and moving more faster and harder as I feel something building up deep down inside me. I didn't know something like this could feel so good.

Mason moans into my mouth "I'm gonna cum Abby" I unravel at his words, exploding around him, quivering underneath him and he came a couple seconds after me. "Ah Abby" The way he says my name makes me fall for him even harder.

He pulls out and takes the condom off and putting it in the trash by his bed "That was great, I wish I met you sooner so I wouldn't of made the dumb decisions with all the other slutty girls that are after me. You're the one for me" he collapsed beside me and I am still panting, trying to slow my breathing "Y-Yeah"

Mason pulls me into his arms while pulling the blankets over us and immediately I feel my eyes begin to droop. I couldn't keep them open. "I'll make sure to wake you up tomorrow" he kissed the side of my head

I nod in approval and pretty soon I don't remember anything after that but the darkness from when my eyes closed.

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