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Oh my lord thank you guys for reading my story it finally got to 1.05k reads thanks everyone for the support and stuff..
Mason's P.O.V.... 5 years ago.. He's 13

"I want you come with me to Mexico son we have important business to attend to" My dad ruffled my hair "Now go get dressed and pack your shit"

"Uh y-yes sir" I quickly run up stairs and pack my clothes then get dressed into my comfy sweats and hoodie. I don't really wanna go with him but having a job at thirteen is great.

I head down stairs to the front door and set my stuff down so our butler can put my bags in the chairs car

I liked going on trips with him to places I've never been to but I hated being around the guys he worked with. They always had woman, guns, drugs, etc. It was uncomfortable due to watching them abuse the woman and have sex with them in front of everyone. How could they not care who sees them watch them? Isn't that supposed to be private?

"From here on out you don't call me dad anymore I'm just your boss got it?" My dad quirked a brow while dragging me into the car

"Uh yes sir" I frowned. Why couldn't I call him dad anymore? I mean he is my dad but does he not see me as his son anymore?

The driver takes off to the airport to get on my dads private jet. He's pretty rich due to being a drug lord. Yes I know I'm working for my dad that is a drug lord. Sounds crazy right? Well it's the only thing I have that will show him I'm not some wimpy kid and I can take care of myself. But being around a bunch of drugs, guns, and woman dressed in the most sluttiest clothes ever made me feel scared. What the hell was I getting myself into?

"Sir we are here" The driver got out and opened the door for my dad than me

"Thank you John" I smiled up at him while getting out

"Of course buddy" John nodded then ruffled my hair "Be careful okay?"

"I always am I'll be back soon" I giggled then walked over to the jet and turned to wave goodbye, seeing the sad look on his face made me sad.

John is like the father I've always wanted. He cared for me and supported me like I was his own. He saw a bright future for me and still do but I know that since I'm working for my dad that he kinda doubts my future now. Sigh. I was a good kid with good grades and never missed school even if I was sick but now I barely attend school and have the worst grades ever. I'm disappointed in myself and so is my mom even though she says that she's not but I know she is I feel it. She says it's not my fault because my dad literally forced me to do it. But I could've said no but if I said no mom would've been disciplined and I didn't wanna see her hurt because of me. So now here I am helping my dad sell drugs and kill people all for stupid money.

I looked out the window as we arrived to Mexico. I'm really afraid to be here because I heard the drug lords here are way worse than anywhere else. I don't wanna die

"Boy!" My father raised his voice bringing me from my thoughts

"Yes dad.. I-I mean sir" I swallowed hard hoping he wouldn't hit me

"Get your things ready they will be meeting us when we land" He stood up and grabbed his stuff as I did the same

.....................Two years later....................

"Just shoot him damn it" My dad yelled at me as I pointed the gun to the guys head

"I heard you the first fucking time" I glare at him then pulled trigger, putting a bullet in the guys head "You do everything the fucked up way. You could've made the deal but instead you kill them all and take the money anyways.. Why even make a deal if you are just gonna fucking kill-"

He punched me hard in the face "You will never speak that way to me. I do things the way I wanna fucking do them. You just work for me son you aren't my boss I'm yours. Now get the money and meet me outside" he walked out the door

I watched him leave then punched the wall and grabbed the money "Piece of shit"

As I walked out I was knocked to the ground by a group of guys that hand guns pointed at my dad "Well well we finally caught you guys. It's about damn time, do you know how wanted you are here?"

Shit.. I'm gonna die now aren't I? I got up to my knees and dropped the money as I put my hands in the air "You mean how wanted he is. I just work for the bastard"

"What the hell you're my son and you are just gonna put me under the bus like that?"

"I'm not your son. You even told me that yourself so fight this on your own I want nothing to do with this anymore" I look up at the guys "Take the money and let me go it's him who you want not me" standing up I handed him the money and begin walking off

"You get your ass back here and fight like a man"

"I'm more of a man than you will ever be and I'm only fifteen. Now have fun with the mess you created and I'll go back to take care of the people that actually love and care about me" I continue to walk away

I love my father with all my heart but the things he did and how he did the things he did was wrong. And I know it was wrong of me to just leave him there like that but I know if I was in the same spot as him he would of done the same thing to me. So I took the chance and left knowing that I would carry this guilt with me forever. Hell I don't even know if he is still alive or not but I wasn't sticking around to find out my family needed me back home and I was going back to take care of them.

................Two more years later...............

I woke up to a huge crash. It kinda sounded like someone threw something through the window. I rushed down stairs to find a cloud of smoke there wasn't a fire so it must of been a smoke grenade. I could barely see anything

"Big brother what's going on down here is so smoky"

"Lizzy go back up stairs now someone is breaking into the house" I tried to push her back up the stairs when I saw a figure walk up behind me. I duck due to him trying to stab me. I grabbed the knife from his hand and stabbed him in the side while grabbing his throat "Who the fuck are you?"

"The person your father ordered to kill you"

I felt my heart race as I let go of him "H-He's still alive? No way"

"Yeah he might be but your sister won't be anytime soon" He smirked and ran away holding onto his side

"What?" I looked behind me seeing my sister laying on the floor barely breathing due to her being stabbed in the chest "Lizzy no!" I dropped to the floor and hold her knowing she wouldn't make the trip to the hospital

"B-Big brother I love you. Tell m-mom the same" And before I knew it she was gone

I held her close as I looked up at my mom crying. "Shes's gone mom. Dad did this"

"I thought he was.."

"I thought so to but he's not. I swear to God that when I see him I won't hesitate. I will kill him for this"



Hey guys sorry for not updating for awhile. My job had me busy as hell. But here ya go I hope this clears up all the confusion. If not tell me and I'll try to make it more clear to understand. Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote.

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