Chapter 1

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Amira P.O.V

"Wake yo fat ass up!" my mom yelled at me from outside my room

I could hear her boyfriend lame ass boyfriend Travis laughing in the background

"You tell her baby." he said

"Damn right I will!" my mom replied

I normally get up early to avoid things like this, but after yesterday's beating I couldn't.

I dragged myself out of bed, and limped to the rest room.

I did my hygiene routine and quick got dressed.

Oh where are my manners. My name is Amira and I'm 16 and a senior (I skipped two grades) at Roosevelt high school.

A school of hoes and wanna be gangsters.

Hoes are giving blow jobs during class! Twenty year old in the ninth grade. Hoe ass teachers to go with it. Thirsty teachers be hitting on students.

But let me tell you about myself.

I have acne free skin. I have a mocha chocolate complexion. My eyebrows are naturally arched, I have big full lips.

I have natural jet black hair that reaches the middle if my back.

I am plus sized at 196 pounds. I try to lose weight but it never comes off, at least I don't gain weight.

With me always exercising, I seem to stay at my current weight.

I quickly threw on an old pair of gray sweat pants. I put on a plain t-shirt and a hoodie jacket. I put on my beat up converse.

I put my hair into a ponytail.

"This is as good as it's gonna get." I told myself looking in the mirror.

I grabbed my book bag and left my room. When I reached the living room I saw my Mom and Travis eating breakfast at the table.

They noticed me and smirked.

"There's no food left for your fat ass." Travis said

I wasn't going to ask them for food.

"Besides the fatty needs to go on a diet." my mom said to Travis

He laughed agreeing with her.

I left and went over to my neighbors house.

Her name is Lisa but I call her mama.

Ever since she saw me get slapped by Travis six years she has been taking care of me.

She is the only one that feeds me, mama also gives me money for my school supplies at the start of every year.

Mama being a former ER nurse takes care of all my injuries, my mom and Travis cause.

Mama wants me to move in with her, but that would be to much of a burden on her.

I got my key out and walked into her house. I could smell bacon she must be cooking.

I walk in and found Mama in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"Hello Mama." I said giving her a kiss on her smooth check

Though Mama was in her early fifties she looks like she is only in her late thirties.

"Hello Angel." Mama said

That is her pet name for me. I asked her why, and she would always say 'Because your my gift from above.'

Mama handed me a plate of food. Scrambled eggs, pancakes, with sausage and bacon.

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