Chapter 14

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Amira P.O.V.

I woke up in a empty bed, I felt Da'vonte's side he was cold. He must have left a long time ago.

Where did he go?

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I saw a set of clothes on the counter. There was a note that said Wear these clothes Amira. Or else. Love your man, Da'vonte. He really wasn't joking about picking my clothes.

I did my hygiene routine then got dressed. I am wearing a pair of high wiasted leather skirt, a red Aztec short sleeved crop top, and red sandals.

Since a got my hair wet in the shower it is it's curly. I did a blow out and tied my red turban headband. I did my make-up next. I BB cream, lashes, eyebrows, and a natural lip. I threw on my black Michael Kors watch and a gold chain. I don't know if he wants us to go out or not.

I was running my hands threw my hair when I noticed something on my ring finger. How am i now noticing this?! It was a sliver with a pearl in the center. At the base of the pearl were small diamonds. I took of the ring I noticed some engraving on the inside. It said My Heart Is Yours, with a key next to a heart shaped lock. I slipped the ring back on.

"Da'vonte!" I yelled running out of the room. I ran downstairs, I saw Da'vonte in the kitchen with a big breakfast buffet spread out. I noticed some dirty pans in the sink. I thought he couldn't cook.

What really surprised me next is when he started to sing

Sometimes a girl needs to know that shes

Appreciated for all the things she does

With some sorta token of love

Cuz without it her young heart won't know

And right then to her surprise, I

Pulled out a small velvet box, pink ribbon tied

I know your wondering whats inside

I opened it and then I replied

I said, I promise not to hurt you, I promise not to lie

I promise to befriend you and defend you with my life

I promise you forever, I promise you today, I said

Would you wear my promise ring? You said yes

If I break my promise we breakin up

Got a couple things that you want

Walks in the park and sweet things

If I rock my promise ring

You could be my pretty young thing

I could become your king

I gotta know you got me

Will, you rock my promise ring

Will you wear my promise ring my queen?

"Of course." I told him whipping tears from my eyes

Da'vonte lifted me up to the air and spinned my around. He pulled me into a passionate kiss. When we broke apart he was cheesing hella hard.

"You just made me a happy man, but I'll be a fulfilled man when I get an engagement ring on your finger." Da'vonte whispered into my ear

Marriage! He would really marriage me?!

 "Don't look so surprised. Come on let's eat."

Da'vonte lead me the table. He sat me down and pushed in my chair. He made our plates before sitting down. I put some eggs on my fork and cautiously brought it up to my mouth. I opened my mouth slowly and chewed.

"What you doing all that extra for?" Da'vonte asked me chuckling

"Mama told me you couldn't cook to save your life. How you almost burned down her kitchen making a mother's day breakfast. Now I'm sitting down in a not burned down kitchen, about to eat food that looks edible. " I told him laughing

"Girl yo man can through down in the kitchen." Da'vont told me

I gave him this face --__-- 

"Who cooked this food?"

"Umm..I -" Da'vonte started, the door bell cut him off. He ran off to answer the door

'Talk about saved by the bell!' I thought. I got up to look who was at the door.

When I got their Da'vonte handed someone a three stacks of money, and pushed the person out of the door. I didn't get a good enough look to catch the gender.

He let out a breath of relief mumbled something than turned around.He flinched when he saw me. This is some bull shit. I placed my hands on my hips and gave him the 'I want some answers' look.

"Who was that?" I asked him

"Umm..the mail man." 

I rolled my eyes and turned my back to him                      

"Baby it ain't like that." Da'vonte said wrapping his arms around my waist. He rested his head on my shoulders

"Who pays their mail man. I saw you hand that person money."

My bull shit rader is off the charts

"Okay fine...I paid someone to cook the breakfast." Da'vonte told me "I wanted to make you something. I would practice while you were at school, but shit kept going bad. I taught taking a cooking class would work, but I almost burned down the building. So I paid some girls in the class, and told them to leave the dirty dishes."

"It's okay, it's the thought that counts." I said turning to face him "Can you promise me somethings baby?"


"Never pay another woman to cook our food again. Unless it's a dinner date or a surprise. Second please never attempt to cook again. " I begged him

"Anything for you."

We went back to the dinning room and finished breakfast. We are currently in our bed room. Were just laying down watching The Single Mom's Club.

I looked down. I noticed that Da'vonte had a promise ring on his ring  finger.

"You got a ring too?" I asked Da'vonte 

"Yeah. You wanna see it?"

I shock my head yes. Da'vonte handed me the ring.

It was a plain silver ring at the top their was engraving that said both of our first names together with a plus sign. Their was also engraving on the inside. It said A Promise Is Forever. I smiled at that.

"I like the ring. When did you have these made?" I asked him

"It was my business trip I had left for. The one when I called you to come back home. I flew out to make the rings." Da'vonte told me

"Great now I feel worse for going to that club." I mumbled snugging into his chest

"It's in the past." Da'vonte told me. I could still see the sadness and anger in his eyes though

"I'm sorry if I really hurt you Da'vonte. I didn't mean too." I told him

"You've already apologized Amira, let's just not talk about it. So...Christmas is in a couple weeks anything else you want?"

"No, I'm thankful to have you and mama in my life. Your like my guardian angles. You've changed my life in so many ways. I don't need anything else."

"You've changed my life in a lot of ways to Amira. I never thought I would love again."

Again? Who was his first love?



 I know the update took a while. For that I apologize. 

A bitch still don't have a phone though. #TheStruggle

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