Chapter 6

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Amira P.O.V.

I woke up to some strange beeping noise. I open my eyes and see that I'm in a hospital bed.

How did I get here?

I reach out and pull out the IV, that thing is so uncomfortable.

I heard the door open. It was Mama and Da'vonte.

"Angel your up!" Mama yelled pulling me into a hug

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Since yesterday. " Mama said

I looked over at Da'vonte he looked pissed off and annoyed. Isn't he glad I'm up?

Mama must have gussed what was going on because she left.

"Who did it?" Da'vonte asked

"Who did what?" I asked playing dumb

"Stupid isn't a good look on you Amira."

"It was no one Da'vonte." I said

"So you mean to tell me that the dead just rose up and decided to beat the crap out your ass!" Da'vonte yelled "Why would you protect someone like that?"

"Beacuse I deserve it! I always end up losing someone I love because their protecting ME! My brother, Avant. Apparently my dad walked out on us because of me. All I am is a burden." I told him tears streaming down my face

Da'vonte sat down on the bed and pulled me into a hug.

"Your not a burden Amira. You didn't deserve any of that to happen to you."

Da'vonte whipped away my tears

"Who did it."

"It was my mother's boyfriend Travis." I told him

"Does he live with you?" Da'vonte asked me

I shock my head yes

"Your leaving that house Amira. Your going to stay with my mom."

"What makes you so sure I'll go?" I asked Da'vonte

"You don't have a choice. " he told me in a low deadly vioce

"They know how much time I spend with your mom. They'll just go back and get me, beacuse they know I have no where else to go."

" have a point. You'll just stay with me."

"I won't stay with any man, in his house." I told Da'vonte

It's aganist my morals

"Like I said before you don't have a chioce."





(Later That Day)

After getting released from the hospital we drove over to my house to get all my stuff.

"Da'vont-" I started

"Don't say aything about not wanting to live with me. In fact don't talk at all!" Da'vonte yelled at me

I frowned, but didn't say anything else.

Da'vonte and Mama got out of the car to get my stuff.

I couldn't go with them because the doctor order me to stay off my ankle, and Da'vonte is taking it very serious. He carried me to car!

I watched as they entered the house. Since they didn't have a key, Da'vonte decided the best thing to do was break the door down.

Like really?

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