Chapter 8

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Da'vonte's P.O.V.

After Amira kicked me out I decided to go and see Spazz, my right hand.

I called before driving over to his house.

When I got there this fat nigga was on the couch eating out of a family sized bag of hot chettos.

"Wasup nigga?" he asked

"Females." I groaned sitting down

"What did you do now?" he asked

"Me!" I asked

"Yes you. You're always starting something."

I told him about meeting Amira, taking her in, and what happened at the mall. 

Spazz just shock his head at me while stuffing a mouth of of chettos in his mouth.

When he finshed the mouth full he decided to speak.

"You was dead wrong. You marked your territory without her permission. Y'all ain't even dating. Do something nice to get back on her good grace. Then take her out for some dates. If she talks to guys don't get jealous or over react. "


"What is this girls name? You talk about her all the time, but never said her name once."

"Sorry brah. It's Amira."

Spazz's eyes got wide.

"Amira Princesses Johnson?" he asked

How does he know her full name?

I shock my head yes

"What the fuck you doin' with my sister?! You betta stop spankin' her!" Spazz yelled

"Amira is your sister? She said her brother was gone." I asked

Spazz told me what happened, and how him and Amira got separated.

"That's messed up. She thinks you've been dead for seven years. Why didn't you ever go see her?" I asked him

"She would have been safer without me. I got into the game and they go after my little sister. Besides she had Avant."

"You mean the guy in jail for six years?"

"What happened?"

Did this nigga even try to watch her?

"Your mom's boyfriend tried to rape Amira. He shot the guy, the guy didn't die. He is serving six years for attempted murder."

"How's Amira? "

I told him about Amira becoming friends with my mom. My mom calling her angel and taking care of her.

"At least she had somebody. Now why are you dating my sister? You know you could go to jail?"

"It's not that big of an age gap."  I said

"Your 21 and she's 16! There is a five year age gap."

"Nigga you over reacting." I looked at the clock it was 6 o'clock "Brah I gotta get home."

I've been gone for two hours.

"When you gonna see Amira?" I asked him

"I think Christmas. It is the season of forgiveness. " he said

"You and your reasoning." I said laughing

I left Spazz's house amd went to my favorite Chinese restaurant.

I got us shrimp fired rice, sweet and sour chicken, and egg rolls.

After that I drove back home.

When I got back Amira was downstairs.

'She must be asleep. Let me wake her up to eat.' I thought

I put the food in the kitchen.

I went to Amira's room sure enough I was right. Amira layed their sleeping.

I went and shock her. She is a deep ass sleeper. This is the reason I slap her ass to her up. Calling her name and shaking her don't do shit.

After five minutes she finally got up.

She rubbed her eys and stretched.

"Where have you been?" she asked

"I went to see a friend. " I said

Amira had a skeptical look on her face

"I got us Chinese food. You hungry? " I asked her

She shock her head yes.

Amira got out of bed. We went downstairs.

I told Amira to wait in the living room. I got our food and went back to the living room.

Amira P.O.V.

I waited for Da'vonte to bring the food.

I'm still a tad bit nervous to be around Da'vonte. He scares me to be honest.

I shuffled on the coach. My ass still hurts from that spanking.

Da'vonte appeared with two plates of food.

He sat down on the couch next to me, and handed me one plate of food.

"Thank you." I mumbled taking the plate

"Amira I'm sorry. I was wrong. I had no right to get jealous, were not dating." Da'vonte apologized

"It's okay. I forgive you. " I said

"Thank you Amira. You want to watch a movie? " Da'vonte asked me

"Sure. How about Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man? I heard it's good." I said


Da'vonte went to Netflix and bought the movie.

"God damn he's fine." I mumbled as Michael Ealy popped onto the screen

Da'vonte flashed me a look but didn't say anything.

Da'vonte P.O.V.

Amira fell asleep before the movies ended. She can just finsh it tomorrow.

I washed our plates then carried Amira upstairs.

I layed her down in bed.

"Good nigh Mira. Sweet dreams." I kisses her fore head

I left and went to my room. I got into bed.

Just like last night mind was filled with only thoughts of Amira.

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