I guess we both slept through the day, because when we woke up, it was like 3 in the morning. It was really dark outside, but we decided to make the most of it. He went and grabbed some leftover sparklers and we went outside to mess with them. We lit them and swiveled them around, making brief light shapes. 

This took about 30 minutes. We still has so much of a day left. After that, we went inside to play Monopoly. Only 10 minutes into the game, and he got sent to Monopoly Jail! Ha! 

I, however, was very close to winning. 3 spaces until my home spot. He picked up a card, but he still couldn't get out. I rolled the die and.... 3! 

I won!! 

Tal and I shook hands and said, "Good game!" 

We both got tired again and went back to bed after a few more games. 

When I woke up again, it was 9:30 am. I didn't hear Tal though... I searched the house for him, but he wasn't there... I looked in his room, the kitchen, the family room, even the den, but nothing. 

I was starting to get worried....


Where are you, Tal? 


Adopted by Tal FishmanWhere stories live. Discover now