part one

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jenna felt good that morning.

usually, when she woke up and looked in the mirror, smiling wasn't an option she had at her disposal. the jenna looking back at her wasn't what she had imagined seven years ago.

today, jenna felt as pretty as tyler said she was all those years ago. her hair was still straightened from her cut and color appointment yesterday, her nails perfectly manicured, and her sweater hugged her waist like it was born to be there.

jenna knew the feeling would evaporate, though, because she was going to see her ob-gyn today, and doctors made her uneasy.

"coffee?" tyler asked, wrapping his arms around jenna from behind. "or tea?"


like magic, a cup appeared on the table in front of her, even though jenna knew tyler always made the coffee before he asked. one day, she was going to change it up and ask for tea, but it wasn't today.

"what time do you need to be at your appointment?"

jenna shrugged, "nine thirty or so. i want to go to dillards afterwards. marc jacobs released a new perfume and i'm doing early christmas shopping."

"i could buy it for you," he suggested, kissing her on the cheek.

again, jenna smiled. "you're more attracted to the smell of the pretzelmaker down the street."

"if you were working there, i would have married you years ago."

how pretty she was [jyler]Where stories live. Discover now