part three

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"it's felt like so long!" dr. pieters beamed, embracing jenna with a hug that was dangerously close to resembling how a python kills its prey. "how are you?"

jenna grinned as she sat down on one of the small chairs in the office. "no worse than i was on monday."

"good, good." dr. pieters brushed her long black hair to the side and glanced down at her clipboard. "any headaches? nausea?"


"have you had sex since we last met?"

she rolled her eyes, "never have, never will."

"tyler still doesn't know?"

"if he starts asking, i'll worry about it then."

dr. pieters smiled knowingly. "the mammogram results came back earlier this morning. i haven't looked at them yet, so whatever we see will be a surprise."

"hopefully not too big of one," jenna breathed.

the doctor pressed a few keys on her outdated computer, and a black and white image blinked onto the screen. neither of them spoke as dr. pieters' expression went from warm to frostbit.

"well, we've got some good news and some bad news."

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